Discussion Board Etiquette & Expectations

Discussion Board topics are tied to specific course Tasks for each week of the session. Discussion board participation and active student engagement in course work is required and evaluated quantitatively and qualitatively by the Instructor. Each week students will be expected to post their initial discussion posting to the discussion board by Thursday. In turn, students will post responses to their colleagues (as specified in the course room) by the following Saturday. Discussion posts will be graded according to the late policy.

Colorado Technical University is committed to creating and maintaining a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment. Discussion Board Assignments explore diverse perspectives. Learning how to communicate with others who have differing viewpoints effectively is essential to professional success. Interactions among those who differ in beliefs, behaviors, values, or views are encouraged. There is no place at CTU for behaviors contributing to anyone feeling unsafe or unwelcome. 

In our learning spaces, we communicate with each other respectfully. Any language that is obscene, abusive, harassing, or constitutes hate speech is unacceptable. Any member of the CTU community who contributes to our learning spaces in ways that create an unsafe or unwelcoming environment for any other member will be asked to modify their behavior and will be subject to the CTU Student Conduct policy. If you experience or see language or conduct that is inconsistent with our ability to maintain a safe and welcoming learning environment, please notify your instructor and/or success coach.