CTU’s Late Submission of Assignments Policy

A key characteristic of successful working professionals is the ability to meet project and assignment deadlines. CTU fosters and supports this responsibility, as each student is expected to submit the course assignments on or before the due dates. Specific deadlines for all assignments are clearly stated in the syllabus addendum or assignment list and through each of CTU faculty members.
A student may experience certain life events or other pressing commitments that may result in the submission of late work. In all instances, CTU encourages the student to work closely with his/her faculty member to meet the course requirements while balancing professional and personal obligations. If you are going to be late submitting an assignment, communicate with your faculty member within a reasonable amount of time prior to or immediately after the assignment due date.

Please inform your faculty member in writing about circumstances contributing to the late assignment or if there is an unforeseen, extenuating, or extreme circumstance(s). For extreme circumstances, late penalties will be waived and the assignment will be accepted. Examples of extenuating or extreme circumstances would be but are not limited to:

  • Loss of home

  • Medical conditions, injuries, hospital stays, and medical emergencies

  • Natural disasters

  • Loss of family members

  • Family emergencies or care for a family member

  • Military commitments

For late assignments not due to extreme circumstances, a 10% penalty of total possible points per assignment will be deducted. All late assignments will be graded within seven days of a student’s submission or prior to the end of session grading deadline for the course, whichever is earlier.

In all instances, no late work will be accepted from a student beyond the timeframe of the course end date, unless an Incomplete has been granted. For courses that include intellipath technology for graded assignments, students are encouraged to participate often to improve their knowledge; therefore, the late assignment policy does not apply. Submissions made through intellipath assignments are subject to the Late Policy. Additional information about intellipath grading can be found in the course information section of the classroom.