CTU's Honor Code

Students at Colorado Technical University agree through this code that “lying, cheating, and stealing will not be tolerated. But that is a minimum standard. We also cannot stand by when we see others disrespect or diminish each other in any way. We cannot allow the propagation of sub-culture values that are contrary to our collective values as professionals. We should always strive to respectfully treat each other as valuable teammates on a noble, demanding endeavor.” (USMA, 2014).

This simple code is patterned after that at the United States Military Academy where it, and its support system, has successfully helped form the Academy into a leading provider of great American leaders since the Academy’s establishment in 1778. In positioning itself as an educational institution that may empower students to transform jobs to careers and careers to leadership, Colorado Technical University affirms its recognition of importance to the Honor Code as the core set of values required of its students.

CTU promotes a culture of academic integrity at all levels of the University
system.  CTU expects students to abide by this Code of Honor and faculty to enforce it in all academic matters.
CTU is a community committed to lifelong learning. CTU recognizes integrity as the foundation for personal, academic, and professional success. Integrity includes respect, accountability, trust, fairness, and honesty.

  • Respect affirms the inherent dignity of the persons and ideas of all members of the CTU community

  • Accountability takes ownership of our actions and their consequences

  • Trust expects us to do what we say we will do

  • Fairness ensures that similar situations yield similar results

  • Honesty requires truthful communications and actions

  • Courage - Taking action. Converting the values from text into visible outcomes (Center for Academic Integrity, 2014)

We are committed to challenging dishonesty in all of its forms and to uphold academic and professional standards.

CTU requires students to submit authentic, original work.  All outside sources must be cited and referenced following the format published in the 7th edition of the American Psychological Association (APA) publication manual.

Students affirm that the work they submit is their own and conforms to this Honor Code. Students and faculty members shall embody professional ethics and integrity by following and enforcing the CTU Honor Code in all academic matters.

For additional information, please review the links below that highlight the policies involved in the Honor Code.

To learn more about the following topics, click on and review each policy within the University Catalog.
Academic Honesty and Integrity Policy
Originality Statement

The reference, USMA, 2014, corresponds to the following note: United States Military Academy (USMA, 2014) Evidence of Good Character: Living Honorably and Building Trust, retrieved June 18, 2016 from http://www.westpoint.edu/strategic/shared%20documents/honorable%20living%20white