
Students have the right to appeal conduct dismissals when imposed by the President, Provost/Chief Academic Officer (or their designee).

CTU is committed to and will maintain necessary avenues for students to file a formal appeal should they meet the necessary requirements as outlined in these proceedings.
  1. A student may appeal a University decision in writing by completing the Conduct Dismissal Appeal form located on the Virtual Campus Resource page and submitting it to the Office of the Ombuds ( within five (5) business days of receiving notice of the dismissal decision. Within three (3) business days the Office of the Ombuds will confirm receipt of the appeal and begin a thorough review of the claim and supporting evidence to be reinstated. The role of the Ombuds Office is to ensure compliant and consistent treatment occurred during the committee sanctioning process.
  2. Once the student has provided all the necessary appeal evidence and/or documentation, the Office of the Ombuds will request a meeting with the Student Conduct Committee to present the details of the appeal to the voting members.
  3. Upon hearing the case, a formal vote will be cast by each member; the results of which will be sent to the President or Provost/Chief Academic Officer (or his/her designee) for a final review and determination. 
  4. The President or Provost/Chief Academic Officer (or his/her designee) will send the final determination in writing to the Code of Conduct process administrator which will contain the findings, reasoning, and conclusion of the appeal review. The process administrator will document and send the formal review letter to the student and carbon copy the appropriate CTU Departments for documentation purposes.
  5. All University determinations of appeals will be kept as a permanent record in the student's file.
  6. Students are only eligible to appeal a dismissal case a maximum of three times. If, by the third appeal request the Student Conduct Committee has not found any new evidence or justification to overturn the original dismissal status, the dismissal status will remain, and no further appeal requests will be presented to, or reviewed by the Student Conduct Committee.