Student Conduct Committee

Inappropriate conduct, based on the requirements noted above, will not be tolerated and may be a cause for dismissal from the University. Students violating the Student Code of Conduct may be brought to the institution's Student Conduct Committee for possible recommendation of dismissal from the institution. The Student Conduct Committee is made up of the Provost/Chief Academic Officer (or his/her designee) and a minimum of four designated officials representing various areas with the University.

Any charge, accusation, or allegation which is presented against a student, may subject a student to disciplinary action. The charge, accusation, or allegation must be submitted in writing via staff or faculty (excepting emergency situations mentioned in the examples below) with pertinent details sent to the Student Conduct Committee through the Provost/Chief Academic Officer (or his/her designee) promptly by the individual or individuals. Note that the Student Conduct Committee does not supersede the role of other CTU officials. For example:
  1. Faculty have the right to remove a student from a class when a faculty member determines the student's actions are interfering with the classroom learning environment.
  2. The University President has full power and authority to enforce rules and regulations to govern student conduct and to take emergency measures to protect the health and safety of students and employees.
  3. Every student is subject to federal, state, and local law. The conviction of a student for any criminal offense involving conduct which is inconsistent with the University's mission or presents a risk to the safety or security of the campus community shall be subject to disciplinary action, including dismissal. The sanction and duration of the sanction will be determined via recommendation to the Provost Office by the Student Conduct Committee and based on the degree of severity of the offense.