Academic Dismissal and Expulsion

The following criteria will result in immediate review for Academic Dismissal:

  • Three or more times on Academic Probation for any reason, including but not limited to Academic Dishonesty
  • Students who have exhausted their retakes during the program, provided the student does not meet graduation requirements

The following criteria will result in immediate expulsion review:

  • Harassment or discrimination of any kind against staff or fellow students, or other egregious violation(s) of the Student Code of Conduct
  • Three or more write-ups for minor Code of Conduct violations
  • Academic Dishonesty on an exam
  • Two or more times on Academic Probation due to Academic Dishonesty on assignments
  • Any substance abuse policy violations (see Student Conduct policy)

A student will be notified via email of our need for a meeting regarding any potential review of academic dismissal or expulsion. This meeting will be the opportunity to discuss the findings with the student and for the student to discuss the circumstances and any requests for leniency. If the student is up for expulsion, this meeting serves as the expulsion review. If the student is up for academic dismissal, the case will be reviewed at a weekly meeting.

Following this meeting, regardless of whether or not the student attends, Coding Dojo will make a determination on the provided evidence for academic dismissal or expulsion and notify the student in a follow-up email of their program status and next steps.

Students who are withdrawn via an Academic Dismissal or Expulsion are treated as a standard withdrawal and are eligible for standard refund and prorate policies based on their program Enrollment Agreement.

Students who are expelled are not eligible to reapply for a new or different program with Coding Dojo.