Student Code of Conduct

Student Conduct


Coding Dojo, a part of Colorado Technical University (CTU), fosters an academic community that is committed to the educational and personal growth of every student, the principles of free inquiry and free expression, as well as the safety, security, and respect of each member of the University community. As a result, Coding Dojo expects each student to engage in conduct consistent with the behaviors and actions contained in this Student Conduct Policy, the Honor Code, and all other related University policies. Coding Dojo does not condone any conduct that violates this Student Conduct Policy or any other related University policies. Through this commitment, Coding Dojo reaffirms its pledge to promoting a safe and respectful learning environment for every member of our University community.


A student whose conduct, as exhibited physically in-person, through any electronic or video means, and/or through any other virtual or written means, is regarded as being in conflict with the best interests of the University, or in violation of its policies, is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.


To the extent a student is subject to disciplinary sanction under this Student Conduct Policy, Coding Dojo reserves the right to prohibit a student's future enrollment, or to limit a student's enrollment to a specific program.


Coding Dojo's Student Conduct policy applies to all situations that impact or could reasonably be expected to impact our students (including prospective and former students), faculty, staff, or University community, including but not limited to actions taken onsite at a CTU University campus, within the University's virtual platforms, and during University-sanctioned in-person events. This also includes non-University-sanctioned events, virtual platforms, social media activities, etc. where the student identifies him/herself or could reasonably be identified to the public as a student of or affiliated with Coding Dojo or CTU.


Dismissal from Coding Dojo may be warranted for any of the following reasons: Failure to maintain satisfactory academic progress, failure to abide by the University's Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy, failure to pay institution fees and/or tuition by applicable deadlines, posing a danger to the health or welfare of students or other members of the Coding Dojo community, engaging in fraudulent financial activities, or failure to comply with the policies and procedures of Coding Dojo. Any unpaid balance for tuition, fees, and supplies becomes due and payable immediately upon a student's dismissal from the institution.


Student and Alumni organizations, including their members and officers, may be held collectively and/or individually responsible for violations of the Student Conduct Policy and/or other University policies.


Prospective students, former students, and University visitors and guests are also expected to comply with all University policies (including the Student Conduct Policy) and are subject to corrective action for violations of these policies. Prospective and former students may be prohibited from enrolling at Coding Dojo, CTU, or limited to enrollment in an online program as a result of violating University policies.


All reported violations of the Student Conduct Policy will be investigated as appropriate. Interim measures may be imposed during the investigation to ensure the safety and well-being of the University community, including students, staff, and faculty. The University reserves the right to suspend any member of the University community or to take any other interim measures the University deems appropriate pending the outcome of the investigation. Such interim measures can include, but are not limited to, removing an individual from classroom or campus-related events, issuing a "no contact" order, and/or modifying course schedules.


All students, prospective students, former students, and University visitors and guests are expected to respect the rights of others and are held responsible for complying with all federal, state, and local laws, and for conducting themselves in a manner consistent with the best interests of the University. Conduct that is not consistent with the best interests of the University includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  1. Academic or administrative dishonesty, such as knowingly furnishing false information to the University;
  2. Engaging in conduct that violates the University's Academic Honesty and Integrity Policy;
  3. Engaging in conduct that violates the University's Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy;
  4. Engaging in conduct that violates the University's Technology Use Policy;
  5. Forgery, alteration, misuse, or mutilation of University documents, records, identification, educational material, and/or University property;
  6. Obstruction or disruption of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary procedures, or any other authorized activities on University premises;
  7. Physical or verbal abuse of any student, faculty, staff, or member of the University community, as well as conduct which threatens or endangers the health or safety of any such person;
  8. Theft of or damage to property of the University or using, or attempting to use, University property in a manner inconsistent with its designed purpose;
  9. Unauthorized entry to, use of, or occupation of University facilities and resources;
  10. Intentional or unauthorized interference with right of access to University facilities, freedom of movement or speech of any person on campus;
  11. Disorderly, lewd, unwelcome sexual advances, unwanted requests for favors of a sexual nature, physical or verbal conduct of a sexual nature, and indecent or obscene conduct or expression (including conduct that falls under the University's Sexual Misconduct - Sexual Harassment Policy, but was dismissed under that policy or did not meet that policy's definitions);
  12. Possession, use, or distribution of any drug made illegal as a matter of federal, state, or local law or alcohol on campus or during any student activities regardless of the location;
  13. The possession, use, or being under the influence of alcohol or drugs made illegal as a matter of federal, state, or local law, or the misuse or being impaired by prescribed drugs, while on duty in any healthcare facility, school, institution or other work location as a representative of the nursing program is prohibited;
  14. Violation of a federal, state, or local ordinance including, but not limited to, those covering alcoholic beverages, narcotics, dangerous drugs, gambling, weapons, sex offenses, arson, or public health;
  15. Rioting or aiding, abetting, encouraging, or participating in a riot or inciting a riot;
  16. Failure to comply with the verbal or written directions of any University officials acting in the performance of their duties and in the scope of their employment including, but not limited to, those covering safety and public health;
  17. Aiding, abetting, or inciting others in committing any act of misconduct set forth in any of these enumerated prohibited behaviors;
  18. Conviction of a crime of a nature which adversely affects or is detrimental to the University community and/or the pursuit of its educational objectives or creates a risk to the safety and security of the University community. Upon filing of charges in criminal court involving such a crime, the student may be temporarily suspended or withdrawn pending disposition of the charges in criminal court;
  19. Proven plagiarism or falsification of authenticity is a serious matter of significant ethical and legal concern. Students are informed that if it is ever proven that there was significant misrepresentation or misattribution of material presented, any degrees or credit awarded by the University based on the material will be revoked;
  20. Lack of academic achievement and/or suspension;
  21. Unauthorized solicitation of students, faculty, or staff on campus or online for any product or service;
  22. Other behavior or actions that might constitute a threat to the University community (i.e., weapons possession, alcohol or drug abuse, endangerment of safety and/or public health, etc.) as determined by appropriate university authorities;
  23. Breach of information security processes (including but not limited to using another's password or sharing his/her password) with a University technology resource or system platform or at a clinical/internship/externship system;
  24. All information (including but not limited to patient or other proprietary information) gained from clinical sites or other internship/externship sites is deemed to be confidential. Sharing of this information in any form (repeating to another individual, posting on social media sites, etc.) is a breach of confidentiality and unprofessional conduct.

Student Conduct Committee


Inappropriate conduct, based on the requirements noted above, will not be tolerated and may be a cause for dismissal from the University. Students violating the Student Conduct Policy may be brought to the institution's Student Conduct Committee for possible recommendation of dismissal from the institution. The Student Conduct Committee is made up of the Provost/Chief Academic Officer (or their designee) and other committee members representing various areas within the University.


Any charge, accusation, or allegation which is presented against a student, may subject a student to disciplinary action. The charge, accusation, or allegation must be submitted in writing via staff or faculty (excepting emergency situations mentioned in the examples below) with pertinent details sent promptly to the Student Conduct Committee through the Provost/Chief Academic Officer (or their designee). Note that the Student conduct Committee does not supersede the role of other CTU officials. For example:

  1. Faculty have the right to remove a student from a class when a faculty member determines the student's actions are interfering with the classroom learning environment.
  2. The University President has full power and authority to enforce rules and regulations to govern student conduct and to take emergency measures to protect the health and safety of students and employees.
  3. Every student is subject to federal, state, and local law. The conviction of a student for any criminal offense involving conduct which is inconsistent with the University's mission or presents a risk to the safety or security of the campus community shall be subject to disciplinary action, including dismissal. The sanction and duration of the sanction will be determined via recommendation to the Provost Office by the Student Conduct Committee and based on the degree of severity of the offense.



Sanctions can be enforced by the University Provost/Chief Academic Officer (or their designee), and the Student Conduct Committee, via oversight of the Provost Office. Sanctions can take several forms, including the following:

  1. Official Reprimand - An oral statement and warning by an appropriate CTU official to cease the inappropriate behavior or act. This oral statement will articulate the consequences if the infraction is repeated. A copy of the reprimand will reside in the student's file.
  2. Official Written Notice - A written censure citing that the student has violated a specific tenet of the Student Conduct Policy, the nature of the violation, and the determination that a repeat occurrence during the remaining time of the student's degree studies may/will lead to immediate suspension or dismissal. A student may be issues a first written warning, a second written warning, and/or a final written warning. A copy of the official written notice will reside in the student's file.
  3. Suspension - The student is not allowed to participate in any aspect of the institution and is banned from the institution for the length of time of the suspension. During this time, the student is barred from the University, campus and/or online community, respectively. A copy of the official letter of suspension will reside in the Student's file.
  4. Dismissal - The student or prospective student is permanently removed from all connections and associations with the institution with the inability to return to the University in a future enrollment. A copy of the official letter of dismissal will reside in the student's file. The University President and/or Provost/Chief Academic Officer (or their designee) have the authority to dismiss a student from the institution based on investigation, findings, and recommendations from officials or the Student Conduct Committee.



Coding Dojo reserves the right to dismiss a student for any of the following: Failure to maintain satisfactory academic progress, failure to pay school fees and/or tuition by applicable deadlines, engaging in fraudulent financial activities, disruptive behavior, posing a danger to the health or welfare of students or other members of the community, or failure to comply with the policies and procedures of the institution. Students dismissed during a course will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis to determine the appropriate application of assignment and final grades (if applicable) for the course(s) based on the circumstances and date(s) of event(s) that led to the dismissal. Any unpaid balance for tuition, fees and supplies becomes due and payable immediately upon a student's dismissal. Coding Dojo will determine any applicable refunds in accordance with University policies.




Students have the right to appeal conduct dismissals when imposed by the President, Provost/Chief Academic Officer (or their designee).


CTU is committed to, and will maintain, necessary avenues for students to file a formal appeal should they meet the necessary requirements as outlined in these proceedings.

  1. A student may appeal a University decision in writing and submit their appeal to the Office of the Ombudsman ( within five (5) business days of receiving notice of the dismissal decision.
  2. Within three (3) business days, the Office of the Ombudsman will confirm receipt of the appeal, providing the student with a Dismissal Appeal form and will begin a thorough review of the claim and supporting evidence to be considered. The role of the Ombudsman's Office is to ensure compliant and consistent treatment occurred during the committee sanctioning process.
  3. Once the student has provided all necessary appeal evidence and/or documentation, the Office of the Ombudsman will request a meeting with the Student Conduct Committee to present the details of the appeal.
  4. Upon hearing the case, a formal vote will be taken by the Student Conduct Committee, with the results sent to the President or Provost/Chief Academic Officer (or their designee) for a final review and determination.
  5. The University President or Provost/Chief Academic Officer (or their designee) will send the final determination in writing to the Student Conduct Committee Secretary, which will contain the findings, reasoning, and conclusion of the appeal review The secretary will document and send the formal review letter to the student and copy the appropriate staff or faculty for documentation purposes within five (5) business days of initiating the appeal investigation.
  6. All University determinations of appeals will be kept as a permanent record in the student's file.
  7. Students are only eligible to appeal a dismissal case a maximum of three times. If by the third appeal request the Student Conduct Committee has not found any new evidence or justification to overturn the original dismissal status, the dismissal status will remain, and no further appeal requests will be presented to, or reviewed by the Student Conduct Committee.



Students approved to return to Coding Dojo upon completion of the appeals process may be reinstated under various conditions. These include but are not limited to academic and/or financial components that may need to be evaluated and discussed with the student and Admissions Leadership and/or designated staff. Students in former programs no longer available to Coding Dojo or Colorado Technical University may seek available options by speaking to an Admissions representative. A returning student must also adhere to the current program version at the time of re-entry.


Returning students must also follow any and all specified conditions as recommended by the Student Conduct Committee and approved by the University Provost/Chief Academic Officer (or their designee). Specified conditions may include but are not limited to the ability to attend a specific campus and/or ceasing contact with specific individuals.

Onsite Campus Dress Code

Coding Dojo observes a dress code and grooming standards for students, staff, and instructors in order to create/encourage a focused learning environment. Coding Dojo bootcamps are built to help students prepare to pursue a career path in tech, which includes professional training and how to be prepared for a professional workplace.

  • Shirts and tops should be appropriate for a professional setting;

  • Attire that shows undergarments is not permitted;

    • Excessively short shorts, dresses, skirts, or tops are not permitted;

  • Attire with gang, drug, alcohol, or sexual paraphernalia, and/or other offensive designs or logos are not permitted;

  • Dress/grooming violations will be at the reasonable discretion of the lead instructor’s best judgment to determine appropriate/inappropriate attire and violations of dress code. Dress code policy will be strictly enforced;

  • Corrective actions will be taken if the lead instructor determines that a student is in violation of dress/grooming standards;

  • Repeated violations may result in expulsion from the program. 

Campus Security

Coding Dojo strives to maintain a safe and secure atmosphere for the campus community. The School fosters an environment where diversity is celebrated, and where persons of all races, creeds, sexual orientations, religions and nationalities are made welcome. The safety, security and rights of students and employees are of critical importance.

Although Coding Dojo does not currently have in-person campus programs running at this time, should it restart in-person programs at a campus it will act in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Campus Security/Clery Act)  To comply with the Campus Security/ Clery Act, Colorado Technical University, which Coding Dojo is a part of,  publishes an annual security report that contains information concerning policies and programs relating to campus security, crimes and emergencies, the prevention of crimes and sexual offenses, drug and alcohol use, campus law enforcement and access to campus facilities. The annual security report also includes statistics concerning the occurrence of specified types of crimes on campus, at certain off-campus locations, and on the public property surrounding campus. The annual security report is published each year by October 1 and contains statistics for the three most recent calendar years, if applicable. The annual security report is provided to all current students and employees. Students attending a physical campus may receive a copy of the most recent annual security report during regular business hours from the Student Services Office.

In addition to the annual security report, Coding Dojo maintains a log of all crimes committed and reported on its local campus. The crime log is available for public inspection during regular business hours at the Student Services Office. Coding Dojo will provide timely warning to the campus community concerning the occurrence of any crime includable in the annual security report that is reported to campus security or local police and that is considered to be a threat to students or employees.

Coding Dojo reminds all students that they are ultimately responsible for their own actions regarding their safety and welfare.

Unauthorized Sharing of Learn Platform Content

Students acknowledge that Coding Dojo material content found in the Learn Platform which includes student-created materials and any other work product that is in relation to the student's progression in the program are subject to the following:


  • Coding Dojo prohibits students from streaming or uploading any of the Learn Platform content and its recorded lectures to any social media websites or streaming platforms,

  • Any intention to share recorded lectures or content must be reviewed and with written approval or consent by a duly authorized representative from Coding Dojo,

  • Any violation thereof would be subject to a disciplinary review by a Coding Dojo-authorized representative.

Technology Usage Policy

Coding Dojo students, faculty, and staff are advised to use proper social and professional etiquette when using Coding Dojo’s technology resources and systems. Use of Coding Dojo’s technology resources and systems and their related networks implies consent for monitoring of traffic that is necessary for smooth administration of these resources and systems.

Coding Dojo does not condone the use of inappropriate language or images when communicating to students, faculty, and staff. Coding Dojo’s technology resources and systems must not be used to produce, view, store, replicate, distribute, display, or transmit harassing, obscene, or offensive materials. This includes but is not limited to, material from the Internet, screen savers, virtual background images, pseudonyms or any printed or online material. Any student who violates this policy is subject to the Coding Dojo Student Code of Conduct Policy and other related policies.

Coding Dojo technology resources and systems must not be used for any purposes that cause excessive strain (directly or indirectly) or unwarranted and unsolicited interference with the use of these technology resources and systems. Engaging in any use that would interfere with another student’s, faculty’s, or staff member’s work or disruption of the intended use of the technology resources and systems is prohibited. Any passwords or other permissions granted to students, faculty, and staff for the use of technology resources and systems must be safeguarded and not be shared or disseminated.

Coding Dojo technology resources and systems should only be used to accomplish Coding Dojo-specific tasks, goals, and learning objectives. No other use is sanctioned by the school. Penalties for misuse of e-mail, Internet, or any other part of Coding Dojo’s technology resources or systems are determined by the school Administration consistent with the Coding Dojo Student Code of Conduct Policy and other related policies.

Recording Policy

Online chat or classroom sessions may be recorded for use by enrolled students, including other students enrolled at Coding Dojo but not in the student’s course section. Students who participate with their web camera engaged or utilize a profile image are consenting to have their video or image recorded. If students are unwilling to consent to have their profiles or video images recorded, they should keep their web camera off and not use a profile image. Likewise, students who un-mute during class and participate orally are consenting to have their voices recorded. If students are not willing to consent to have their voices recorded during class, they will need to keep their mute button activated and communicate exclusively using the "chat" feature, which allows students to type questions and comments live.

Falsification of Documents

Statements made and documents provided by potential or current students of Coding Dojo must be complete and accurate. Coding Dojo does not tolerate any falsification of documentation requested. If unexplained discrepancies appear between statements or documents provided to Coding Dojo and information obtained otherwise, other than in the case of misspellings and other such inadvertent errors, Coding Dojo reserves the right to conduct its own investigation and applicants may be rejected for admission and enrolled students may be dismissed.

Sexual Misconduct – Sexual Harassment Policy Under Title IX


Students enrolled in Coding Dojo's programs are subject to CTU's Sexual Misconduct - Sexual Harassment Policy Under Title IX.

Minor Behavior Infractions

Students who show disruptive behavior in communication and actions but are not so disruptive as to warrant immediate expulsion review will be given a behavioral write-up and a warning for immediate improvement. Minor behavior infractions include but are not limited to rude or demeaning communication with instruction or staff; excessive unproductive communication when addressing questions or concerns; or other behavior identified as disruptive by instruction or staff but is not explicitly disrupting the learning environment of other students.

Any student who receives three write-ups for behavior concerns without corrective action will be under expulsion review.


Academic Dishonesty

Students who exhibit academic dishonesty; including any form of plagiarism, cheating, falsification of records, or collaboration with others to defraud may be expelled from the program immediately. Academic dishonesty includes the use of AI based programming assistants for the completion of assignments or exams.

Students found willfully destroying school property; or exhibiting disruptive, insubordinate, boisterous, obscene, vulgar, or disrespectful behavior may be expelled and prohibited from re-enrollment in another program. Students expelled due to academic dishonesty, disruptive and/or disrespectful conduct will not be readmitted to Coding Dojo in any future programs. 

If a student is being harassed, notices that someone else is being harassed, or has any other concerns, please contact a member of the staff immediately or email

Substance Abuse Policy

In compliance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 (P.L. 101-690) and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989 (P.L. 101-226) Coding Dojo has taken steps to provide a drug-free environment. As a matter of policy, Coding Dojo prohibits the unlawful manufacture, possession, use, sale, dispensations, or distribution of controlled substances by students and employees on its property and at any school activity; supports the enforcement of Federal and state drug laws; prohibits the possession, use, and sale of alcoholic beverages by students and employees on its property and at any school activity; and supports the enforcement of state underage drinking laws. Any violation of these policies will result in appropriate disciplinary actions up to and including expulsion in the case of students and termination in the case of employees, even for a first offense. Violations of the law will also be referred to the appropriate law enforcement authorities. Students or employees may also be referred to substance abuse help centers. If such a referral is made, continued enrollment or employment will be subject to successful completion of any prescribed counseling or treatment program.


The following criteria will result in immediate expulsion review:

  • Harassment or discrimination of any kind against staff or fellow students, or other egregious violation(s) of the Student Code of Conduct

  • Three or more write-ups for minor Code of Conduct violations

  • Academic Dishonesty on exam

  • Two or more times on Academic Probation due to Academic Dishonesty on assignments

  • Any substance abuse policy violation