Equal Opportunity


Coding Dojo, (hereinafter “the School”) does not discriminate, or tolerate discrimination against any member of its community on the basis of  race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex/gender, age, religion, disability, pregnancy, veteran status, marital status, sexual orientation, or any other status protected by applicable federal, state, or local law in matters of admissions or in any aspect of the educational programs or activities it offers. 

Harassment, whether verbal, physical or visual, that is based on any of these characteristics, is a form of discrimination. This includes harassing conduct affecting tangible educational benefits, interfering unreasonably with an individual’s academic performance, or creating what a reasonable person would perceive is an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment.

Additional information regarding the School’s prohibitions against sex discrimination including sexual harassment, quid pro quo sexual harassment, hostile environment sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking as well as disability discrimination are set and in the policies below.

While the School is committed to the principles of free inquiry and free expression, discrimination and harassment identified in this policy are neither legally protected expression nor the proper exercise of academic freedom.

Examples of discrimination and harassment may include (but are not limited to):

  • Refusing to offer educational opportunities to someone because of the person’s protected status;

  • Making a grading decision because of a person’s protected status;

  • Jokes or epithets about another person’s protected status;

  • Teasing or practical jokes directed at a person based on his or her protected status;

  • The display or circulation of written materials or pictures that degrade a person or group based upon a protected characteristic; and

  • Verbal abuse or insults about, directed at, or made in the presence of an individual or group of individuals in a protected group.

Student Religious Observance Accommodation

In support of the School’s mission to serve a diverse population, any student who, as a result of religious holidays or observances, is unable to attend class or submit assignments on a particular day(s) may be granted an accommodation to submit assignments at an alternative time.

Students must notify their instructor and send an email to support@codingdojo.com a minimum of at least one week before the religious holiday or observance allowing the instructor sufficient time to arrange for an appropriate reasonable accommodation. Students are responsible for completing assignments (without penalty) given during their absence, but instructors should grant the opportunity to make up work missed because of religious observance. 

Accommodations involving extensions beyond the last day of class must adhere to the Incomplete Grade policy. 

Possible religious accommodations may include: 

  • Rescheduling of an exam or giving a make-up exam for the student 

  • Altering the time of student’s presentation 

  • Allowing extra-credit assignments to substitute for missed class work

  • Arranging for an increased flexibility in assignment due dates 

Student Grievances

Please note that this grievance procedure is intended for grievances concerning a student’s recruitment, enrollment, attendance, financial assistance, career services assistance, or the educational process or other school matters.


The student grievance procedure does not apply to student grievances regarding grades; academic dismissals; or verbal, physical, or visual harassment or discrimination, which are addressed in other sections of this catalog.

Students are strongly encouraged to utilize the School’s grievance procedure as outlined below. For additional state and accreditor contact information for filing complaints, please see Appendix C.

This section describes the steps of Coding Dojo’s Student Grievance Procedure, which is designed so that a student’s grievance can be investigated and addressed promptly and without undue delay. In order to achieve that, it is strongly recommended that the student begin these steps at the first indication of a problem or concern.

Coding Dojo and the student agree to participate in good faith in this grievance procedure. Coding Dojo will receive all grievance information submitted by the student in strict confidence and Coding Dojo and the student agree to maintain confidentiality throughout the steps of the grievance procedure.

No reprisals of any kind will be taken by any party of interest or by any member of the school administration against any party involved. Coding Dojo will investigate all grievances fully and promptly.

The time periods set forth in these procedures can be extended by mutual consent, in writing, between the University and the student.

A student should refer to the “Agreement to Submit to Coding Dojo’s Grievance Procedure” section of his/her Enrollment Agreement for important terms and conditions regarding this grievance procedure and other rights. Nothing in the student’s Enrollment Agreement prevents him/her from presenting any grievance to an accrediting agency or government agency authorized to hear such grievance prior to submitting such matter under this grievance procedure.

Step 1:

Make an appointment to discuss the matter with the instructor and/or staff member most closely aligned to your concern.  Coding Dojo strongly encourages the student to resolve grievances through discussion with the appropriate instructor or staff member at the first indication of a problem or concern to speed the process to resolution. However, the student can have up to ten (10) business days of the occurrence to take this Step 1.

Complaints involving a policy or class should first be discussed with the individual enforcing that policy or the class instructor.

The student can expect to receive a response within three (3) Business Days from the appropriate party involved in the incident.

Step 2:

If Step 1 fails to yield a mutually agreeable resolution between the student and instructor or staff member, the student should document the concern in writing, escalating their complaint to the appropriate department leader, faculty leader, or designee.

a. The formal written concern must state the issue and desired outcome, and should include a description of the actions taken to resolve the matter in Step 1. The description should be provided no later than ten (10) business days after receiving a response from Step 1. Coding Dojo will review the written statement and any supporting documentation provided. The appropriate designee will then gather facts and provide a written response for next steps within five (5) business days. Upon resolution of the investigation, all findings will be provided to the student.

Step 3:

If Step 2 fails to yield a mutually agreeable resolution, then the student may choose to file a formal grievance of the matter. If the student chooses to file a formal grievance, it is strongly recommended that the student files the grievance upon receiving the decision upon completion of Step 2, but no later than ten (10) business days after receiving the decision in Step 2. 

a. All grievances should be submitted in writing to CTU's Ombudsman's Office via StudentGrievances@coloradotech.edu. Upon receipt, details will be reviewed by the appropriately designated University leader(s) with the involvement of CTU's Ombudsman's Office.

b. The role of the Ombudsman's Office is to act as an impartial, unbiased resource who is responsible for ensuring the compliance of the handling of the student grievance procedure at Coding Dojo. While the Ombudsman's Office is not able to overturn final outcomes proposed by Coding Dojo Leadership; they may provide alternative recommendations for resolution should that be appropriate.

c. Within three (3) business days after receipt of the grievance, the Ombudsman's Office and/or designated leader will make contact with the student to review the student's claim and supporting evidence provided. The Ombudsman's Office and/or designated leader will have an unbiased review of the complaint and the subsequent actions taken as well a the decisions rendered by all parties involved in the matter. Ombudsman's Office and/or designated leader will seek to ensure fair, consistent, and compliant treatment with regard to the matters complained of.

d. Within five (5) business days after making contact with the student, the Ombudsman's Office and/or designated leader will provide the student with a written response. The findings, reasoning, and conclusion of the review will also be provided in writing within five (5) business days or an otherwise mutually agreed upon timeframe. Any additional options available to the student will be addressed.

The written grievance, together with the findings of the review, will be documented in the student's record.