Student Standing
Each progress check will result in one of the following student standings outlined below.
A student is making Satisfactory Progress if the student is at or above 90% of core assignments at each progress checkpoint and/or at the end of each course, as determined by valid assignment completion and submission through the learn platform.
- If missing one assignment would result in the student dropping below 90%, Satisfactory Progress is defined at the end of course check only as completion of all core assignments less one (1) core assignment (e.g., a student completing a course with 8 core assignments will be considered in good standing if 7 of 8 core assignments are completed by end of course)
- In the event that the Learn Platform is down or the student is unable to submit assignments on the platform, credit will be given for assignments submitted by email to instructors as long as the date and time submitted meet standard requirements.
A student is making Marginal Progress if the student is between 60% and 89% of core assignment completion at each progress checkpoint and/or at the end of each course.
- Students in this standing are placed on an Academic Improvement Plan.
A student is making Unsatisfactory Progress if the student falls at or below 59% of core assignment completion at each progress checkpoint and/or at the end of each course.
- Students in this standing are placed on Academic Probation and an Academic Improvement Plan.
Assignments due for Online Full-Time checkpoints must be completed by 11:59pm MT on the day before the cadence check to be counted. (e.g., Monday checkpoints based on assignments completed through Sunday). Assignments turned in day-of will count towards the next checkpoint.
(Effective 9/20/2024, Full-Time programs are no longer available for future enrollments.)
Assignments due for all other programs progress checkpoints must be completed by 11:59pm MT on the day before the cadence check to be counted (e.g., Monday checkpoints based on assignments completed through Sunday). Assignments turned in day-of will count towards the next checkpoint.
End of course assignment submissions must be completed by 1:00pm MT on the last Friday of the course to be included in the final assignment percentage for the course.
A final progress check will occur at the end of the student’s program to confirm that the student has met all requirements for graduation. Students who are found to not meet graduation requirements will be informed and have their alumni status revoked.