Belt Exam Eligibility Policy

All Full-Time Programs (not currently offered as of 9/20/2024)

In order to be eligible to sit for a course's final assessment, students must be in good academic standing (Satisfactory Progress as defined above) and must have attended at least 1 of their scheduled Small Group Code Reviews (SGCR) in that course. Failure to attend and participate in a scheduled Small Group Code Review will disqualify a student from being eligible to sit for the belt exam until a code review can be completed with the course instructor. Students who have missed their SGCR must schedule and complete a code review with their instructor prior to the final day of exams. A code review and exam may not be completed on the same day. Exam extensions will not be given past the final day of exams for students who failed to complete their Small Group Code Review.

All Part-Time Programs

In order to be eligible to sit for a course's final assessment, students must be in good academic standing (Satisfactory Progress as defined above).