Academic Improvement Plan

A student may be determined to be placed on an Academic Improvement Plan given any of the following:

  • Falling below 90% core assignment completion, as determined through regular review of student progress6
  • Submission of invalid assignments, including but not limited to:
    • Empty assignment submissions
    • Unrelated submissions (e.g., cat pictures)
    • Assignments that are missing greater than 50% of required elements (e.g., HTML/CSS assignment without CSS)
    • Plagiarized assignments directly lifting significant amounts of content or solutions provided via instructor demos or solution files.

Students who are placed on an academic improvement plan are recommended to do the following until the student is determined to be making satisfactory progress:

  • Schedule a one-on-one meeting with the instructor to review progress and understanding of course material
  • Attend all scheduled appointments with Coding Dojo staff

Students who fail to meet all academic improvement plan requirements and/or fail to meet progression standards will remain on an academic improvement plan at the following progression check during the course. Students who fail to reach satisfactory progress by the end of the course will be placed under academic review to determine the course of action, which may include:

  • Retake of course
  • Withdrawal from program
  • Program transfer



6Formal academic progress is not taken at any 1-week course in FT programs or 2-week courses in PT programs (e.g., Programming Basics) given the nature of the short course, but instead student attendance and engagement will be reviewed the Wednesday of the 1-week course to ensure student participation.