Academic Probation

A student may be determined to be under Academic Probation given any of the following:

  • Falling at or below 59% of core assignment completion, as determined through regular review of student progress7.
  • Academic Dishonesty on assignments of any sort, including but not limited to:
    • Submission of previous assignments, presented as current assignments
    • Plagiarized assignments directly lifting significant amounts of content or solutions from current/former students or other third-party sources
    • Repeat offense of invalid assignment submissions

Students who are placed under academic probation are required to do the following until the student is determined to be making Marginal Progress:

  • Contact their Student Experience Manager and current instructor to schedule regular updates on their academic progress
  • Schedule a one-on-one meeting with the instructor to review progress and understanding of course material
  • Attend all scheduled appointments with Coding Dojo staff
  • Participate in all required class sessions, such as algorithms, lectures and discussions.

A student's status of Academic Probation may be lifted once the student returns to Marginal Progress standing (defined above) at minimum or is excused. Students may request to waive an academic probation during the time in which the academic probation is active. Requests that are presented after the following formal program status check will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, as long as the course is active. Retroactive requests for past courses will not be considered. Probations associated with voided courses are automatically voided.

A student is allowed one (1) excused academic probation per course. An instance of academic probation may be excused with one of the following:

  • Documentation of physical or mental health circumstances, signed by a licensed health professional
  • Documentation of Force Majeure or Mitigating Circumstances, accepted as a signed document or signed written statement.

Students who fail to meet any of the academic probation requirements and/or fail to meet progression standards will be placed on a second instance of academic probation at the following progression check during the course. Students who fail to reach good standing by the end of the course will be placed under academic review to determine:

  • Retake of course
  • Withdrawal from program
  • Program transfer

Three or more instances of unexcused academic probation on a student's record will be grounds for academic dismissal from the program.



7Formal academic progress is not taken at any 1-week course in FT programs or 2-week courses in PT programs (e.g., Programming Basics) given the nature of the short course, but instead student attendance and engagement will be reviewed the Wednesday of the 1-week course to ensure student participation.