Policies regarding safety and security at campuses

The safety and security of students, employees, and guests of CTU are of primary importance. Complacency is the worst enemy of a safe campus; therefore, everyone must actively think about safety in all areas of campus life. If anyone has knowledge of a situation that would have an impact/effect on the safety or well-being of another student, faculty or staff member, it must be reported to Campus Security Authority personnel immediately. Any and all injuries that occur on the CTU campus, or within the laboratory setting, need to be reported to the respective program chair or dean at once.  Additionally, security guards are located on all CTU campuses and will escort you to your vehicle, if so desired. Please contact your campus for the available hours for a security escort.

Students can also promote safety on campus by adhering to the following guidelines:

  • Safety glasses must be worn at all times in laboratory and clinical settings.

  • Any student found to not be following proper safety techniques, to include not using proper personal protective equipment, may be removed from their respective program.

  • In all courses occurring in a laboratory, proper safety must be followed at all times.

  • All nursing students will double-glove during clinical rotations.

  • Lapses of student judgment deemed detrimental to others are grounds for counseling and possible dismissal from CTU

  • Horseplay or other inappropriate and/or dangerous behavior is not permitted in any classroom, lab, or clinical areas.

  • Unsafe and/or unprofessional behaviors include actions that threaten or violate the physical, biological or emotional safety of other students. The following are examples of unsafe practices:

    • Physical Safety

      • Inappropriate use of side rails, wheelchairs, positioning devices, or any device that protects students from the risk of falls, lacerations, burns, etc.

    • Biological Safety

      • Failing to follow prescribed procedures when in a laboratory session; recognize errors in aseptic technique, attending clinicals while ill, performing technical actions without appropriate supervision, and failing to seek help when needed.

    • Emotional Safety

      • Threatening other students, staff or faculty, making others feel fearful, providing inappropriate or incorrect information, failing to seek help when needed, or demonstrating unstable emotional behavior.

    • Unprofessional Behavior

      • Verbal or non-verbal language, actions, or voice inflection which compromises rapport with other students, faculty or staff.

Violation of these standards has serious repercussions.  Any student violating these standards will be immediately removed from the classroom, lab, or clinical areas.  At the discretion of CTU, such violations may also result in dismissal from the program and/or CTU.