Ombudsman’s Office & Student Grievance Process

Students with concerns regarding their experience at CTU, including but not limited to attendance, enrollment, financial aid, policy, process or staff (excluding grade and SAP appeals) are encouraged to utilize the University’s grievance process outlined in the University Catalog.

When an issue arises and students are faced with a question or concern, we encourage them to speak with the appropriate instructor or staff member most closely aligned to the issue. We recommend students do this as soon as possible, and when able, at the first indication of a problem. Students are recommended to communicate with staff and faculty via email, two way messenger, and/or phone.

If students are unable to gain resolution via those steps, we encourage them to continue to seek a remedy by working with the designated leader or university official most closely aligned to their issue. At this juncture, University leadership will thoroughly investigate the nature of the concerns as well as the students requested resolution to provide a final determination in writing on behalf of the University.

Should a student be unsatisfied with the resolution provided by University leadership or feel as though they were treated unfairly, they may contact the Office of the Ombudsman to file a grievance. While the Office of the Ombudsman cannot overturn University decisions in matters of resolved complaints, they can provide an impartial review of the students concerns as well as the determination provided in effort to ensure fairness and compliant treatment. 

The Ombudsman’s Office may also be utilized to mediate concerns when communication has broken down between students and staff. The Ombudsman’s Office can determine the best appropriate path towards finding a resolution and/or can take steps to request student concerns are investigated and addressed in a timely fashion. The Ombudsman’s Office can be reached via their email inbox: