Student Success Department

Student Success Coaches are here to help each student visualize their potential. Their responsibility is to provide motivation, support, and resources throughout the student journey to graduation. Student Success Coaches can provide answers to a student’s program-related questions or other University questions, address issues students may have, and verify that students are meeting program requirements.  When working with a success coach, students can expect them to assist in the following ways:

  • Serving as a source for general information, such as program requirements and University polices.

  • Helping to work through problems that may become barriers to success.

  • Support students with SMART academic plans if Satisfactory Academic Progress becomes a challenge

  • Contacting students via phone, messenger, push notifications, and email if they are struggling in courses or have missed a course for consecutive days.

  • Providing students with resources and support; time and stress management for example

  • Celebrating improvement and success to encourage growth mindset throughout their progress

  • Coaching students on resume writing (SSCs are CPRW certified) and partnering students with for interview practice appointments

  • Facilitating changes to schedules, fast track scheduling, and arranging appointments with other departments

In addition to University concerns, a Student Success Coach can be an efficient mediator for course concerns when necessary. If an instructor is unresponsive to communications after 48 hours, a student may contact their Student Success Coach. To ensure a quick turnaround time, students should include their full name, student identification number as well as a copy of their e-mail or proof of communication with the instructor, the instructor’s name and the course title and description of the student’s concern. The University will initiate the steps for an investigation into their concerns.  Investigations can take up to 72 hours, so in the meantime it is recommended that students continually attempt all avenues of communication, while also continuing to work on all assignments to prevent falling behind in the course.

While CTU takes a proactive stance in assisting students, the students’ role as an advisee includes, but is not limited to:

  • Knowing how to contact a Student Success Coach and other University representatives.

  • Reading and adhering to the student policies in the University Catalog and Student Handbook 

  • Immediately alerting a Student Success Coach or University representative to any issues, concerns, or questions.