Computer and Technology Requirements

The following are the minimum requirements for Coding Dojo programs. Students are required to have access to a computer with reliable internet and must not rely on a mobile device. The price of a laptop with necessary requirements is the responsibility of the student and may average from $400-$2000 depending on the make and model.


  • Memory: 8GB or more
  • Mac OS or Windows OS no more than 2 years old and not in beta
    •  Note: if the operating system does not meet the requirements above, Coding Dojo will not be able to help troubleshoot any technical issues the student may encounter.
  • x64 Processor (at minimum)
  • Privacy settings: student has user permissions to install software and access the internet
  • The following software must be installed on the computer prior to start
    • Zoom
    • A modern web browser, such as Firefox or Chrome
    • Email (must be an active inbox that student regularly checks)
    • Discord 


  • Headset and microphone
  • Web camera (recommended)
  • Stable internet to support video streaming: Recommended upload speeds of at least 5 Mbps and download speeds of at least 25 Mbps.
    • (To check internet speed, connect the computer being considered for the program to the internet that will be used during the program, either wirelessly or directly. Go to and click on Start. If the internet speed does not meet the above, contact the internet provider).