Residency Requirement

Transfer of Credit to Colorado Technical University

Colorado Technical University supports the philosophy that related courses, demonstrated proficiencies, and professional experience knowledge may be used to satisfy some course credit requirements. Credit granted for past experience, training, certification, and testing may reduce the time required to earn a degree. Transfer credit will be accepted upon evaluation and at the discretion of Colorado Technical University in all cases.

The maximum amount of transfer credit that can be used towards any Colorado Technical University degree program is capped by the Residency Requirement of the University. The Residency Requirement states:

  1. A student must complete a minimum of 25% of the total credit hours for an undergraduate degree program at Colorado Technical University.
  2. A student must complete a minimum of 25% of the total credit hours for a graduate degree program at Colorado Technical University.
  3. A student must complete a minimum of 25% of the total credit hours for a doctoral degree program at Colorado Technical University.