Proficiency Credit

A grade of PR is awarded for proficiency credit through advanced standing. The University neither implies, nor guarantees, that PR credits will be accepted by other institutions. A grade of PR demonstrates that students are proficient in the specific course requirement for the respective degree program of study. The University may award proficiency credit for learning that has taken place outside the traditional academic setting, for experience through employment, non-collegiate or school based education, or other appropriate life experiences. In the awarding of experiential credit, the University follows guidelines and policies as established by the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL), the American Council of Education (ACE), and the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO). It is important for students to understand that life and learning experiences alone are an inadequate basis for the award of proficiency credit. To be eligible for proficiency credit, the outcomes of the non-collegiate learning experience must be documented, be applicable to the student’s program of study, be related to a course, and be assessed as being similar to or meeting the requirements of learning gained through college-level learning experiences.