Registrar Information Policies

Academic Program Change

This catalog contains a summary of the policies, rules and procedures of Colorado Technical University at the time of publication. From time to time, it may be necessary or desirable for the University to make changes to this catalog due to the requirements and standards of the University's accrediting body, state licensing agency or the U.S. Department of Education, or due to market conditions, employer needs or other reasons. The University reserves the right to make changes to any provision of this catalog, including the amount of tuition, academic programs and courses, school policies and procedures, faculty and administrative staff, the academic calendar and other dates, and other provisions at any time.

The University also reserves the right to make changes in the online platform and instructional materials, to modify curriculum and, when size and curriculum permit, to combine classes.

Students are expected to be familiar with the information presented in this school catalog, in any supplements and addenda to the catalog, and with all school policies. Notice of these changes will be communicated in a revised catalog, an addendum or supplement to the catalog, or other written format. By enrolling with the University, students agree to accept and abide by the terms stated in this catalog and all school policies.

If there is any conflict between any statement in this catalog and the enrollment agreement signed by the student, the provision in the enrollment agreement controls and is binding.

Students attending a ground campus

To explore the option of changing your degree program, or request a change to your degree program, please contact your academic or admission advisor on campus.

Students attending the Virtual Campus

To request a program change, or determine eligibility, please contact The Registrar Evaluation Services Department at (866) 813-1836. When prompted, select ‘schedule or program changes’ as your option. You can also e-mail

Note: To change a program prior to starting classes, please continue to work with your Admissions Advisor.

Program changes are processed once per student quarter. The process is finalized during break week (allowing time for Satisfactory Academic Progress to run once grades post). Students on probation status may not request to change their program. Program change requests should be submitted in the second session of the quarter. For questions on your academic status, please contact Student Advising. Students requesting a program change may be subject to completing a new Enrollment Agreement and new disclosure form. Please be aware that Financial Aid may be impacted as well.

Add/ Drop Policy

The add/drop scheduling period is held during the first week of a student's session. Students desiring to drop or add a course within this period need to contact their Academic Advisor/Registrar Evaluation Services Team for guidance in making this schedule change. Any schedule changes may extend the length of a program of study.

Doctoral Flexible Option

Directed Study Courses

CTU reserves the right to offer courses as directed studies. Please see the Student Handbook and Faculty Handbook for additional information.

Physical Campus Course Withdrawal

Effective for courses starting January 25, 2022 and after, CTU has transitioned from an 11-week quarter to a 10-week quarter. Students enrolled in courses that began prior to January 25, 2022 should review the prior year's catalog for date-specific information related to this policy.


Students that choose to withdraw in writing, the refund and grade policy shown in the following table will be used.


Week 1

Weeks 2 - 4

Weeks 5 - End

5-Week Course


Course registration deleted

Refer to the

Institutional Refund Policy

Refer to the

Institutional Refund Policy


Grade of “W” awarded







Week 1

Week 2

Weeks 3 - 10

10-Week Course


Course registration deleted

Refer to the

Institutional Refund Policy

Refer to the

Institutional Refund Policy


Grade of “W” awarded

Grade of “W” awarded

Note 1: For students receiving Federal Financial Aid, refunds will be calculated according to federal policy.

Note 2: These policies also apply to hybrid courses, as well as virtual courses administered by CTU.

Note 3: Students with a Last Date of Attendance (LDA) that falls after week 4 of a 5-week session or after week 10 of an 10-week session will not be withdrawn and will receive the grade earned in the course.

Doctoral Advantage

Doctoral Advantage

Students enrolled in select master’s program through Colorado Technical University will have the option to enter the Doctoral Advantage Program, which will allow them to substitute up to two graduate courses for two doctoral courses.

Students wanting to enroll in the Doctoral Advantage program may begin the application process once they have completed the first three courses in their master’s program.

To qualify, students must have a CGPA of 3.30 or better prior to entering their final quarter or they will be subject to a program change.

Student progress will be monitored by a Registrar Evaluation Services Specialists to ensure that the student meets the requirements to continue with the Doctoral Advantage program.

Students enrolled in the Doctoral Advantage program are not eligible for the Multiple Concentrations option.

Students enrolled in the Master of Science in Nursing - Family Nurse Practitioner, Nursing Administration, or Nursing Education program are not eligible to participate in Doctoral Advantage.

Students interested in the Doctoral Advantage program should contact Registrar Evaluation Services Specialists or Student Success Coach to determine program eligibility.

University/Course Withdrawal (Student Requested)

University Withdrawal


Students intending to withdraw from the University must submit written notice to the Student Affairs Department or an email to A student’s written notification serves as an official withdrawal and will be processed in a timely manner.

All balances become due and payable at the time of withdrawal from the University.  Students intending to withdraw from the university at the conclusion of their current session must participate in the final week of the session in order to earn a letter grade (A-F) in their course.  Please see Application of Grades and Credits catalog page for more details ( )


Online Course Withdrawal

The course withdrawal procedure for students enrolled through Colorado Technical University’s Virtual Campus is a function that can only be carried out in a student’s current session. A request to withdraw from a course that is made after add/drop week and before the fifth week of class will receive a “W.”  Students can withdraw from either some but not all of their courses. Once all of the information has been documented and reviewed the Registrar’s Office will assign the W grades and Registrar Evaluation Services Department will adjust the schedule.

For students withdrawing from a course, but not from all courses in the University:


First Session - During the first week of a student’s first session, no tuition charges will be assessed for a dropped course. Once a student enters the second week of the first session, there will be no tuition adjustment for a dropped course.


Second Session - During the first week of a student’s second session, no tuition charges will be assessed for a dropped course. Once a student enters the second week of the second session, there will be no tuition adjustment for a dropped course.


Physical Campus Course Withdrawal

Effective for courses starting January 25, 2022 and after, CTU has transitioned from an 11-week quarter to a 10-week quarter. Students enrolled in courses that began prior to January 25, 2022 should review the prior year's catalog for date-specific information related to this policy.


Students that choose to withdraw in writing, the refund and grade policy shown in the following table will be used.


Week 1

Weeks 2 - 4

Weeks 5 - End

5-Week Course


Course registration deleted

Refer to the

Institutional Refund Policy

Refer to the

Institutional Refund Policy


Grade of “W” awarded







Week 1

Week 2

Weeks 3 - 10

10-Week Course


Course registration deleted

Refer to the

Institutional Refund Policy

Refer to the

Institutional Refund Policy


Grade of “W” awarded

Grade of “W” awarded

Note 1: For students receiving Federal Financial Aid, refunds will be calculated according to federal policy.

Note 2: These policies also apply to hybrid courses, as well as virtual courses administered by CTU.

Note 3: Students with a Last Date of Attendance (LDA) that falls after week 4 of a 5-week session or after week 10 of an 10-week session will not be withdrawn and will receive the grade earned in the course.





Master’s Advantage™

Students enrolled in a bachelor’s program through Colorado Technical University will have the option to enter the Master’s Advantage™ Program which will allow them to substitute up to two undergraduate courses for two graduate courses.

To qualify, students must have a CGPA of 3.0 or better before entering their final quarter or will be subject to a program change.

Student progress will be monitored by a Registrar Evaluation Services Specialist to ensure that the student meets the requirement to continue with the Master’s Advantage™ program.

Students enrolled in the Master’s Advantage™ program are not eligible for the Multiple Concentrations option.

Students interested in the Master’s Advantage™ program should contact their Student Success Coach to determine program eligibility.

Students enrolled in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program are not eligible to participate in Master’s Advantage™.


Leave of Absence (LOA)

Effective for courses starting January 25, 2022 and after, CTU has transitioned from an 11-week quarter to a 10-week quarter. Students enrolled in courses that began prior to January 25, 2022 should review the prior year's catalog for date-specific information related to this policy.


An approved Leave of Absence (LOA) is a temporary interruption in a student’s academic attendance for a specific period of time in an ongoing program.

Leave of Absence Conditions

A student may be eligible for a Leave of Absence if one of the following conditions applies:

  • Medical Leave (including pregnancy)
  • Family Care (childcare issues, loss of family member, or medical care of family)
  • Military Duty
  • Jury Duty

The following requirements apply:

A student may be granted a Leave of Absence (LOA) if:

  • A signed LOA request that includes the reason for the request is submitted in writing within 5 calendar days of the student's last date of attendance or the begin date of term.
  • Students may request multiple LOAs, but the total number of days the student remains on LOA may not exceed 180 days during a consecutive 12-month time frame.
  • There may be limitations on LOA eligibility for a student enrolled in term-based programs due to scheduling requirements associated with the student’s return to school.
  • The student must have successfully completed a minimum of one grading period before being eligible to apply for a LOA. One grading period is defined as 5 or 10 weeks.
  • Prior to applying for an LOA, the student must have completed his or her most recent quarter and received an academic grade or grades (A-F) for that quarter.

Failure to return from an approved leave of absence or failure to return within the 180 day timeframe will result in the student being administratively withdrawn from the school and may have an impact on the financial aid a student receives, loan repayment and exhaustion of the loan grace period. A student in an LOA status will not receive further financial aid disbursements (if eligible) until returning to active status. Contact the financial aid office for more information about the impact of a LOA on financial aid.

Military Leave of Absence

Students attending a physical campus or students attending through CTU’s Virtual Campus may submit a written request for a military leave of absence (LOA). Students may submit the request to the Registrar Office if they attend a physical campus or through if they attend CTU’s Virtual Campus. An approved military leave may not exceed two consecutive years, and combined absences for military leave may not exceed five years.

The request must be submitted in writing/email prior to the beginning of the leave and include copies of the military orders. The request must include the date of submission, the effective date, and when the student expects to return to school. Upon return from a military leave of absence, the student will be readmitted to their previous academic program.

If the student is a title IV, federal student aid recipient and the requested timeframe is longer than the maximum 180 days allowed in the title IV federal student aid Leave of Absence policy (see details in the LOA section), then the student will be withdrawn from the school, which may have an impact on federal aid, loan repayment and exhaustion of the loan grace period. If you have title IV federal student loans, you may be eligible for a military deferment, however the deferment is not automatic; you or your designee must apply. You may initiate a request for a deferment by contacting your lender or a member of the HELP team at, 1-888-517-2630. Students in a LOA status may not receive further financial aid disbursements until returning to active status. Contact the financial aid office for more information about the impact of a LOA on financial aid.

Extenuating LOA and Academic Exceptions

In instances in which students are impacted by natural disasters, public health crises, or federally designated cases in which Extenuating Leave of Absences (eLOAs) are appropriate, the student may be eligible for an eLOA.  In these situations the Chief Academic Officer (CAO) or designated appointee may choose to make an academic exception for the student, which includes but is not limited to: determining that the courses taken during the emergency period should not be counted towards Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) until the student is scheduled to return to the University; that a posted final grade should be converted to an Incomplete; approving and providing flexibility with individual academic plans; and assisting the student through the appeals process when attempting to return to the University.

Standard Period of Non-Enrollment (SPN)

Colorado Technical University (CTU) provides students the opportunity to apply for a Standard Period of Non-enrollment (SPN) allowing eligible students to take a full or partial session break from actively attending class or classes without formally withdrawing from the University.

Interested students must contact their Student Success Coach to discuss their eligibility for an SPN. The Student Success Coach will review the student’s qualifications for an SPN. Students granted an SPN must resume courses immediately in the following session.

To qualify for an SPN students inquiring for time off must meet the qualifications in the table below.


   Term/Payment period
 Type of SPN
First Session
Second Session


(Full session)

 No  Yes


(Partial session)

 Yes  Yes

To qualify for an SPN for a full session a student must:
• Initiate the request for the SPN before the end of the Add/Drop period of the current session
• Earn a passing grade in at least one course in the previous grading period

To qualify for a SPN-W a student must:
• Actively attended a course in the current session after the Add/Drop period
• Earn a passing grade in at least one course in the previous session

Once eligibility for the desired SPN is determined, a student must complete and sign the Confirmation to Return Form confirming their intention to resume attending CTU the following session. The deadline to request and submit the Confirmation to Return Form for the full session off is before the expiration of the Add/Drop period. A student with posted attendance during the Add/Drop period and who is approved for a full session SPN will be unregistered from all courses found in the session.

A student requesting a partial session off in the current session that has not exceeded the University’s Attendance Policy will need to submit the Confirmation to Return Form for approval. The deadline to submit the Confirmation to Return Form is before the end of the fourth week of the session. A “W” grade indicating withdraw is posted to all courses in the session and will calculate into the student’s Satisfactory Academic Progress.

A student attending CTU on the Commitment Grant must maintain their employer's eligibility requirements throughout their enrollment.  Commitment Grant students may be placed administratively into an SPN by the University for not fulfilling conditions set by the employer to continue into the new session. Commitment Grant students are not required to complete the Confirmation to Return Form and will receive a notification in writing from the University with an expected date of return.  For Commitment Grant students electing to take a full session break, the student must communicate with their Student Success Coach no later than the end of the Add/drop period.

An international student attending CTU on an F-1 Visa may request up to a full quarter off to take their SEVIS approved annual break. A signed Confirmation to Return Form and approval from the campus Primary Designated School Official (PDSO)/Designated School Official (DSO) are both required before the end of the Add/Drop period.

A student on any type of SPN who does not return to the following session is administratively withdrawn from the University.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)


All degree-seeking students must maintain satisfactory academic progress in order to remain enrolled at the school. Additionally, satisfactory academic progress must be maintained in order to maintain eligibility to receive financial assistance (e.g., federal and state aid). Satisfactory academic progress is determined by measuring the student’s cumulative grade point average (CGPA) and the student’s rate of progress toward completion of the academic program at the end of each grading period. Both the CGPA and ROP standards must be met in order to be considered to be making satisfactory academic progress. These are outlined below.


CGPA Requirements

Students must meet minimum CGPA requirements at specific points throughout the program in order to be considered making satisfactory academic progress. These requirements are noted in the tables below. These will be reviewed at the end of each grading period after grades have been posted to determine if the student’s CGPA is in compliance. Once the student reaches a review point, the minimum CGPA for that level must be maintained until the next level of review.


Rate of Progress Toward Completion Requirements

In addition to the CGPA requirements, a student must maintain the minimum rate of progress percentage requirement in order to be considered to be making satisfactory academic progress. The rate of progress percentage is calculated by dividing the credits earned by the credits attempted. Credits attempted are defined as those credits required in the students program of study including credits that were transferred from other approved institutions and proficiency credits earned. As with the determination of CGPA, the completion requirements will be reviewed at the end of each grading period after grades have been posted to determine if the student is progressing satisfactorily.















 Credits  ROP  CGPA










 0-96  66.67%  3.3
































Maximum Time in Which to Complete

A student is not allowed to attempt more than 1.5 times, or 150%, of the number of credits in their program of study. The requirements for rate of progress are to assure that students are progressing at a rate at which they will complete their programs within the maximum timeframe.


Maximum Timeframe for Doctoral Programs

Students in a Doctoral program must complete their degree within seven (7) years of beginning the program. The Time to Degree begins with the first class in the doctoral program (not including students taking doctoral classes as part of the Doctoral Advantage program) and ends seven years from that date, regardless of time when the student is not active in the program. Students who elect to change their concentration within their program will have no change to their Time to Degree timeframe. Students who elect to change to a different doctoral program (Computer Science to Management or vice‐versa) will have their Time to Degree begin from their first class in the new program.  A student who does not complete their degree within the seven year timeframe will be dismissed. (Ex. A student who begins the program on 1/5/14 will have until 1/4/21 to graduate from the program before they are dismissed.) Students dismissed for exceeding Time to Degree who would like to return to the University to finish

their degree will need to appeal in order to be considered. Appeals must be approved by the University Dean or Provost.


How Transfer Credits/Change of Program Affect SAP

Credit that has been transferred into the institution by the student is included in the Rate of Progress calculation; however has no effect on the grade point average requirement for SAP. Transfer credit is also considered when computing the maximum timeframe allowed for a program of study. For example, a student transfers from institution A to institution B. The student is able to transfer 30 credits earned at institution A into a program at institution B. The program requires 180 credits to graduate. Thus, the maximum timeframe for this student’s new program at institution B will be one‐and‐a‐half times (150%) x 180 = 270 credits. The 30 transfer hours will be added to the attempted and earned hours when the maximum timeframe and rate of progress is being calculated.

When a student elects to change a program at Colorado Technical University the student’s attempted and earned credits and grades will be transferred into the new program as applicable, including transfer credit.  Credits earned at the school in the original program of study that apply to the new program of study will be used when computing grade point average, rate of progress and maximum timeframe. Transfer credits from another institution that are applicable to the new program of study will not be calculated in the grade point average but will be considered as credits attempted and earned in the maximum timeframe and rate of progress calculations.


For example, a student transfers from program A to program B. The student is able to transfer 30 external credits and 10 credits earned in program A into program B. Program B requires 180 credits to graduate. Thus, the maximum time frame for this student’s new program will be one and half times (150%) x 180 = 270 credits. The 30 external transfer hours will be added to the attempted and earned hours when the maximum timeframe and rate of progress are being calculated. The 10 credits earned in program A will be included in the grade point average calculation as well as the maximum timeframe and rate of progress calculation.


Warning and Probationary Periods

At the end of each term after grades have been posted, each student’s CGPA and rate of progress is reviewed to determine whether the student is meeting the above requirements.

  • A student will be placed on FA Warning immediately after the first term in which the CGPA or the rate of progress falls below the values specified in the tables above. At the end of the next term, the student will be removed from FA Warning and returned to SAP Met Status if the minimum standards are met or exceeded.
  • A student who continues to fall below the specified values will be required to successfully appeal in order to maintain eligibility for financial assistance under a FA Probation status.
  • A student who successfully appeals and is on FA Probation will be evaluated at the end of the next term.
  • A student who meets or exceeds the minimum standards will be removed from FA Probation and returned to a SAP Met status. If the minimum CGPA and rate of progress requirements are not met at the time of evaluation; the student will be placed of FA Dismissal Status and will be dismissed from school unless terms of the academic plan are met.

If at any point it can be determined that it is mathematically impossible for a student to meet the minimum requirements, the student will be dismissed from the school.

Notification of academic dismissal will be in writing. The Code of Conduct Policy section of this catalog describes other circumstances that could lead to student dismissal for non‐academic reasons. A tuition refund may be due in accordance with the institution’s stated refund policy.


During the period of FA Warning, which lasts for one payment period only the student may continue to receive financial aid. During a period of FA Probation, if an appeal is accepted by the institution, the student may also continue to receive financial aid.


A student on FA Warning and FA Probation must participate in academic advising as deemed necessary by the institution as a condition of academic monitoring. A student who fails to comply with these requirements may be subject to dismissal even though their CGPA or rate of progress may be above the dismissal levels.



A student who has been placed on FA Probation may appeal the determination if special or mitigating circumstances exist. If you are an active student, any appeal must be in writing and must be submitted to the Appeals Board within six (6) days of receiving notification of his/her dismissal. The student must explain what type of circumstances contributed to the academic problem and what action is being implemented to overcome the mitigating circumstance in the future. The decision of Appeals Board is final and may not be further appealed. For the appeal of non‐academic dismissals, please refer to the grievance policy within this catalog.



A student who was previously academically dismissed may apply for reinstatement of their status to the University by submitting a written appeal.  The Appeals Board will consider the student's appeal to determine if reinstatement to the University is warranted.  The appeal should be in the form of a letter explaining the reasons why the student should be reinstated.  The decision regarding reinstatement will be based upon factors such as grades, attendance, student account balance, conduct, and the student's commitment to complete the program.  If the appeal is successfully approved, the University will allow a student a maximum of four approved reinstatements within a specific degree level (i.e., undergraduate, graduate, or doctorate).  Dismissed students who are readmitted will sign a new Enrollment Agreement and will be charged tuition consistent with the existing published tuition rate.  Financial aid may be available to those readmitted who qualify. 

A student who fails to return to good standing and exceeds the number of allowable reinstatements is no longer eligible to appeal.  In an extreme circumstance, permission from the Provost or his/her designee is required for additional appeal consideration.




Multiple Concentrations

If more than one concentration option exists within a specific degree program, there is potential to earn Multiple Concentrations if requirements are met. Multiple Concentration options are dependent on program eligibility. With Multiple Concentrations, the first concentration and its required courses are included in the initial degree program choice. The required number of credit hours and corresponding tuition costs for additional concentration(s) vary by program, when eligible. Additionally, it is not permitted to apply academic credit from courses in an initial concentration within a degree program towards subsequent concentrations. Students must also notify the University prior to the last quarter before graduation of their intention to pursue an additional concentration(s).

Please refer to the Degree Program section of the university catalog for the additional courses required to complete each concentration. If courses between concentrations overlap, students must gain approval to substitute common courses in order to have distinct content within each concentration selected. Please note that additional concentration(s) must be within the same discipline of study.

Students Enrolled in the Master’s Advantage™ and Doctoral Advantage programs are not eligible for the Multiple Concentrations option. Students interested in Multiple Concentration options should contact the appropriate Dean or Program Chair to determine program eligibility.

Multiple Degrees

Colorado Technical University allows students to earn multiple degrees at a single academic degree level if the following criteria are met:

  1. The second degree program of study is housed under a different degree offering from the first degree program of study (e.g. Masters of Business Administration to Masters of Science in Management) AND
  2. The second degree offering program of study contains coursework that differs from the first degree program of study by at least 25% for undergraduate programs and 50% for graduate programs. If course substitutions are necessary to meet this requirement, they may be granted by the appropriate academic authority.

Concurrent enrollment in multiple degrees is not allowed under CTU policy.

Transcript Process and Fees

Transcript requests are fulfilled through Parchment, a leading company in secure transcript. A Transcript Fee is assessed regardless of transcript hold status. If you have an academic issue preventing release of your transcript, the University will not be able to issue your official transcript.

  • $10 – Transcript (electronic or paper) requested electronically through Parchment
  • $15 - Transcripts ordered through the University
  • $35  - Overnight/US Mail delivery

Additional information on the electronic transcript service can be found on the student portal.


  • $25 - Additional or replacement diploma

Graduation Requirements

In order to graduate students must:

• Have earned a minimum of a 2.0 CGPA for undergraduate degree programs, 3.0 for graduate degree programs, or 3.3 CGPA for doctorate programs

  •   Students enrolled in the Doctor of Nursing Practice must have earned a minimum of a 3.0 CGPA

• Doctoral students must complete all deliverables

• Have successfully completed all required credits within the maximum allowable time frame in which to complete the degree program

• Meet the residency requirement

Current or former students who have been enrolled in a Bachelor's program and have completed all of the requirements for an Associate's degree may be eligible for conferral of the Associate's degree.  Please contact your Student Success Coach for additional information.  Students are encouraged to contact their Academic/Student Advisor at least two quarters prior to scheduled graduation to ensure that all graduation requirements will be met.

Graduation Fee
Undergraduate (Associate and Bachelor’s) $150
Graduate (Master’s and Doctoral) $200

A non-refundable graduation fee will be charged to the student’s account during their final term. The graduation fee covers one diploma and diploma cover, two official university transcripts, honor cord (if applicable), regalia (if the graduate is attending an in-person graduation ceremony), and costs related to the production of the graduation ceremonies. In order to participate in an in-person graduation ceremony, each eligible student must complete the entire registration process by the published deadline. Students who do not register by the deadline and receive a registration confirmation from the university will forfeit the opportunity to receive regalia and participate in an in-person graduation ceremony. Regardless of ceremony participation, all graduates will receive their diploma kit at their home address approximately 6-8 weeks following their final term (provided all financial and academic obligations are met). Students receiving the military tuition rate, as well as those currently participating in the Commitment Grant or an applicable tuition grant, are exempt from the graduation fee.

Standard Fees
Due to the non-refundable nature of these fees, students are encouraged to fully understand the fees and discuss any questions with their advisor.

Graduation Under Earlier Catalogs
Any student may graduate under the graduation requirements in effect at the time of graduation. The institution policy on use of earlier graduation requirements also provides that if fewer than ten years have elapsed since a student's admission into the program, she or he may choose to graduate under the program requirements in effect at the time of admission, or under any subsequent requirements.



Undergraduate Graduation Honors for Associate’s degrees

The following honors are awarded upon graduation in an associate’s degree program.


Cumulative Grade Point Average

Highest Honors




Undergraduate Graduation Honors for Bachelor’s degrees

The following honors are awarded upon graduation in a bachelor’s degree program.


Cumulative Grade Point Average

Summa Cum Laude 3.9 to 4.0
Magna Cum Laude 3.75 to 3.89
Cum Laude 3.5 to 3.74

Diploma Programs

The following honors are awarded upon graduation in a Diploma program.


Cumulative Grade Point Average

Highest Honors 3.75 to 4.0
Honors 3.5 to 3.74


Full time, undergraduate students who attain a grade point average of 4.0 for the quarter are eligible for the President’s/Chancellor's List. Full time, undergraduate students who attain a grade point average of 3.5 to 3.99 with no grade lower than a “C” are eligible for the Dean's List.

Graduate Honors

Although students that demonstrate academic work at an exceptional level are honored at the undergraduate level, exceptional scholastic achievement is expected at the graduate level. The maintenance of high scholastic standards ensures that Colorado Technical University graduate students have a mastery of the subject matter contained in the graduate program.

Records Retention Policy

Colorado Technical University maintains a permanent record for each student for 50 years from the last date of the student's attendance. Records include a student's academic transcript, documents, and files containing student data about academic credits earned, courses completed, grades awarded, degrees awarded, and periods of attendance, and are maintained by the institution, except as provided by law.