Physical Campus Course Withdrawal

Effective for courses starting January 25, 2022 and after, CTU has transitioned from an 11-week quarter to a 10-week quarter. Students enrolled in courses that began prior to January 25, 2022 should review the prior year's catalog for date-specific information related to this policy.


Students that choose to withdraw in writing, the refund and grade policy shown in the following table will be used.


Week 1

Weeks 2 - 4

Weeks 5 - End

5-Week Course


Course registration deleted

Refer to the

Institutional Refund Policy

Refer to the

Institutional Refund Policy


Grade of “W” awarded







Week 1

Week 2

Weeks 3 - 10

10-Week Course


Course registration deleted

Refer to the

Institutional Refund Policy

Refer to the

Institutional Refund Policy


Grade of “W” awarded

Grade of “W” awarded

Note 1: For students receiving Federal Financial Aid, refunds will be calculated according to federal policy.

Note 2: These policies also apply to hybrid courses, as well as virtual courses administered by CTU.

Note 3: Students with a Last Date of Attendance (LDA) that falls after week 4 of a 5-week session or after week 10 of an 10-week session will not be withdrawn and will receive the grade earned in the course.