Physical Campus Course Withdrawal

Students that choose to withdraw in writing, the refund and grade policy shown in the following table will be used.


Week 1

Weeks 2 - 4

Weeks 5 - End


5-1/2 Week Course


Course registration deleted

Refer to the

Institutional Refund Policy

Refer to the

Institutional Refund Policy




Grade of “W” awarded








Week 1

Week 2

Weeks 3 - 10

Weeks 11

11 Week Course


Course registration deleted

Refer to the

Institutional Refund Policy

Refer to the

Institutional Refund Policy

Refer to the

Institutional Refund Policy


Grade of “W” awarded

Grade of “W” awarded


Note 1: For students receiving Federal Financial Aid, refunds will be calculated according to federal policy.

Note 2: These policies also apply to hybrid courses, as well as virtual courses administered by CTU.

Note 3: Students with a Last Date of Attendance (LDA) that falls after week 4 of a 5-1/2 week session or after week 10 of an 11-week session will not be withdrawn and will receive the grade earned in the course.