
Updates to the Colorado Technical University 2019 University Catalog

The updates listed below apply to the 2019 Colorado Technical University catalog, compiling new and updated information.  The Addendum contains approved changes to programs and courses as well as changes in policies and procedures at CTU.  All changes and additions listed here take precedence over the information contained in previous years' catalogs.

The entries below describe where the new information is now inserted; please use the links provided within the listing to review the respective updated catalog page.

Additions and updates are effective as of the date modified, unless otherwise noted.


Modification:  Students who successfully appeal their SAP dismissal status will be reinstated into the University a maximum of four times per degree level.  Students who are dismissed for SAP after the fourth reinstatement will be denied re-entry to the University at that degree level.

Effective Date:  April 2, 2019
