
Updates to the Colorado Technical University 2018 Catalog

The updates listed below apply to the 2018 Colorado Technical University catalog, compiling new and updated information.  The Addendum contains approved changes to programs and courses as well as changes in policies and procedures at CTU.  All changes and additions listed here take precedence over the information contained in previous years' catalogs.

The entries below describe where the new information is now inserted; please use the links provided within the listing to review the respective updated catalog page.

Additions and updates are effective as of the date modified, unless otherwise noted.


Master of Science in Computer Science

Modification:  Added CS503 and CS505 as foundation course options for students who do not otherwise meet the undergraduate degree requirements for the Cybersecurity Engineering, Data Science, general, and Software Engineering concentrations.

Effective Date:  7/03/2018


Master of Science in Information Technology

Modification:  Added IT502 and IT504 as foundation course options for students who do not otherwise meet the undergraduate degree requirements for the general, Network Management, Project Management, and Security Management specializations.

Effective Date:  7/03/2018


Institutional Refund Calculation

Modification:  Institutional Refund Calculation updated for new students starting 7/03/2018.

Effective Date:  7/3/2018


Grants and Scholarships

Modification:  Removed the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Graduate Grant and the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Grant.  Student eligible to receive the grant when it was originally offered will continue to receive grant benefits.

Effective Date:  5/10/2018


Associate of Science in Business Administration

Modification:  Updates made to the program description.

Modification Date:  5/25/2018


Associate of Science in Management

Modification:  Updates made to the program description.

Modification Date:  5/25/2018


Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Modification:  Updates made to the program description.

Modification Date:  5/25/2018


Bachelor of Science in Accounting

Modification:  Updates made to the program description.

Modification Date:  5/25/2018


Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice

Modification:  Updates made to the program description for the Forensic Investigation concentration.

Modification Date:  5/25/2018


Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Management

Modification:  Updates made to the program descriptions for the general and Health Informatics concentrations.

Modification Date:  5/25/2018


Bachelor of Science in Management

Modification:  Updates made to the program descriptions for the Cybersecurity Management, Food Service Management, and general concentrations.

Modification Date:  5/25/2018



ModificationBIO110 and BIO112 are no longer being offered.

Modification Date:  5/25/2018



ModificationHIST102 and HIST104 added as new course options.

Modification Date:  5/25/2018


Master of Science in Accounting

Modification:  Program is no longer available for future enrollments.

Effective Date:  7/03/2018


Master of Science in Computer Science

Modification:  The Database Systems concentration is no longer available for future enrollments.

Effective Date:  7/03/2018


Master of Science in Cybersecurity Policy

Modification:  Program is no longer available for future enrollments.

Effective Date:  7/03/2018



Modification:  Updates made to the course description.

Modification Date:  5/25/2018


Nursing Courses

Modification:  The following nursing courses are no longer being offered:  NRSG414, NRSG415, NRSG482.

Modification Date:  5/25/2018



Modification:  Removed BHVS410 as a course prerequisite.

Modification Date:  5/25/2018


Master of Business Administration

Modification:  Updates made to the program descriptions for the following concentrations: Accounting, Data Analytics, Entrepreneurship, Finance, general, Global Leadership, Healthcare Management, Human Resource Management, Logistics Management, Marketing, Operations/Supply Chain Management, Project Management, and Technology Management.

Modification Date:  5/11/2018


Master of Science in Management

Modification:  Updates made to the program descriptions for the following concentrations: Cybersecurity Management, general, Healthcare Management, Homeland Security, Information Systems Security, Information Technology and Project Management, Organizational Leadership and Change, Project Management, and Public Administration.

Modification Date:  5/11/2018


Associate of Science in Electronics Technology

Modification:  Updates made to the program description.

Modification Date:  4/20/2018


Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering

Modification:  Updates made to the program description.

Modification Date:  4/20/2018


Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

Modification:  Updates made to the program description.

Modification Date:  4/20/2018


Bachelor of Science in Project Management

Modification:  Updates made to the program description.

Modification Date:  4/20/2018


Bachelor of Science in Psychology

Modification:  Updates made to the program description for the Bachelor of Science in Psychology program and in the Consumer Behavior and Organizational Behavior concentration.

Modification Date:  4/20/2018


Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Modification:  Updated general education requirements.



Modification Date:  4/20/2018


ENGL200 Written Communication for Nurses

Modification:  New course added to the catalog.

Modification Date:  4/20/2018


Policy Updates

Modification:  The following policies were updated to reflect new credit-bearing Doctoral Symposium requirements:

Doctoral Advantage, Doctoral Symposium and Attendance, International Students, Re-Entry to the University, Symposium Fee, and Symposium Registration.

Effective Date:  7/03/2018


Doctoral Programs

Modification:  Program credit amounts were updated in the Doctor of Management, Doctor of Business Administration, and Doctor of Computer Science programs to reflect new credit-bearing Doctoral Symposium requirements, SYMP801 and SYMP802.

Effective Date:  7/03/2018



Modification:  Updated prerequisite requirements to include both MATH114 and MATH116 instead of only one.

Modification Date:  4/20/2018


Associate of Science in Information Technology

Modification:  Updates made to the program description.

Modification Date:  4/11/2018


Bachelor of Science in Information Systems Management

Modification:  Updates made to the program description.

Modification Date:  4/11/2018


Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Modification:  Updates made to the program description for the general track and the Data Management, Network Management, Security, Software Application Programming, Software Systems Engineering, and Web Development specializations.

Modification Date:  4/11/2018


LITR225 Innovation and Leadership in Literature

Modification:  Added course to the general education requirements for the Associate of Science in Accounting and Bachelor of Science in Accounting programs.

Modification Date:  4/11/2018



Modification:  Updated prerequisites.

Addition:  CS118

Modification Date:  4/11/2018



Modification:  Updated prerequisites.


Modification Date:  4/11/2018


Master of Science in Computer Science

Modification:  Updated the program description for the general track and the Cybersecurity Engineering, Data Science, and Software Engineering concentrations.

Modification Date:  4/11/2018


Master of Science in Homeland Security

Modification:  Program is no longer accepting new enrollments for the general track or the Cybersecurity Policy and Emergency Management and Public Health concentrations.

Effective Date:  7/3/2018


Master of Science in Information Technology

Modification:  Updated the program description for the general track and the Network Management, Project Management, and Security Management specializations.

Modification Date:  4/11/2018


Academic Honesty and Integrity

Modification:  Updates made to the Academic Honesty and Integrity policy.

Effective Date:  4/3/2018



Modification:  Updated prerequisites.


Modification Date:  3/29/2018


Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Management

Modification:  Added a list of elective course choices to the program page.

Modification Date:  3/9/2018



Modification:  Updated prerequisites.

Addition:  CS107

Modification Date:  3/9/2018



Modification:  Updated prerequisites.

Addition:  CS107

Modification Date:  3/9/2018



Modification:  Updated prerequisites.


Modification Date:  3/9/2018


Natural Disaster Relief Response

Modification:  Added the Natural Disaster Relief Response policy.

Modification Date:  3/9/2018


Colorado Community College System Nursing Alumni Scholarship

Modification:  Removed scholarship from catalog.

Modification Date:  3/9/2018



Modification:  Updated course description

Modification Date:  2/23/2018



Modification:  Updated course description

Modification Date:  2/23/2018



Modification:  Updated course description

Modification Date:  2/23/2018



Modification:  Course no longer offered

Modification Date:  2/23/2018



Modification:  Removed prerequisites


Modification Date:  2/23/2018


Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Management - general and Health Informatics concentration

Modification:  Adjusted credit requirement allocations from 36 lower level core credits to 49 lower level core credits, from 58 upper level core credits to 60 upper level core credits, and from 66 general education credits to 51 general education credits.

Modification Date:  2/20/2018


Doctor of Nursing Practice Graduate Grant

Modification:  Added the Doctor of Nursing Practice Graduate Grant for eligible MSN graduates who enroll for the April start.

Effective Date:  4/3/2018


Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Modification:  Locations - the Organizational Behavior concentration is no longer offered at the Colorado Springs campus, and the International Business concentration is no longer offered at the Colorado Springs and Aurora campuses.

Effective Date:  4/3/2018


Bachelor of Science in Cybercrime Investigation

Modification:  Locations - the Bachelor of Science in Cybercrime Investigation program is no longer offered at the Colorado Springs campus.

Effective Date:  4/3/2018


Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Modification:  Locations - the Project Management focus for the Network Management and Security specializations is no longer offered at the Colorado Springs and Aurora campuses.

Effective Date:  4/3/2018


Master of Business Administration

Modification:  Locations - the Finance, Logistics Management, and Technology Management concentrations are no longer offered at the Colorado Springs and Aurora campuses.

Effective Date:  4/3/2018


Master of Science in Computer Science

Modification:  Locations - the Software Engineering concentration is no longer offered at the Colorado Spring campus.

Effective Date:  4/3/2018


Master of Science in Information Technology

Modification:  Locations - the Project Management specialization is no longer offered at the Colorado Springs campus.

Effective Date:  4/3/2018


Master of Science in Management

Modification:  Locations - the Information Technology and Project Management and the Organizational Leadership and Change concentrations are no longer offered at the Colorado Springs campus.  The Cybersecurity Management concentration is no longer offered at the Aurora and Colorado Springs campuses.

Effective Date:  4/3/2018


Master of Science in Systems Engineering

Modification:  Locations - the Master of Science in Systems Engineering program is no longer offered at the Aurora campus.

Effective Date:  4/3/2018


CEC Board of Directors

Modification: Updated listing of CEC's board of directors.

Modification Date:  2/9/2018


Bachelor of Science in Cyber Security - Computer Systems Security and Information Assurance concentrations



Modification Date:  2/9/2018



Modification:  Updated prerequisite listing.



Modification Date:  2/9/2018



Modification:  Updated prerequisite listing.


Modification Date:  2/9/2018


CTU Board of Trustees

Modification:  Updated Board of Trustees listing

Modification Date:  2/9/2018


Accreditation and Affiliations

Modification:  Updated HLC accreditation statement to align with agency guidelines.

Modification Date:  2/9/2018



Modification:  Course no longer offered

Modification Date:  1/25/2018


Doctoral Symposium and Symposium Attendance

Modification:  Revised required symposium attendance dates for new doctoral students.

Effective Date:  4/3/2018


Return of Unearned Military Tuition Assistance Funds

Addition:  Added policy to reflect existing process.

Modification Date:  1/25/2018


Wounded Warrior Scholarship

Modification:  Updated scholarship name to CTU Patriot Scholarship.

Modification Date:  1/25/2018


Bachelor of Science in Psychology - general, Consumer Behavior, and Organizational Behavior concentrations

Modification:  Updates made to the program description, competencies, and outcomes.

AdditionUNIV201, COMS203

DeletionUNIV301, COMS201

Modification Date:  1/12/2018


Bachelor of Science in Accounting


Deletion:  COM201

Modification Date:  1/12/2018


Student Conduct

Modification:  Relocated Conduct Committee, sanctions, dismissal, and appeals sections from the General Information for Grievance Procedures section.  Updated process description.

Modification Date:  1/12/2018

