Grading System

Grade reports are available to students via the Virtual Campus, MyCampus portal, and the Registrar’s Office at the completion of each term/session. Grades are based on the quality of work submitted to the course reflecting the grading scale indicated on the course syllabus. 

The following provides an illustration of letter grades, description, percentage points, meaning and quality points.

Grade Point Average (GPA) calculation

The grade point average (GPA) is computed for each academic level using course grade points (Grade points are as follows: A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0). Earned quality points are calculated for each course by multiplying the grade point value for the grade received for the course by the credit hour value of the course. For example, a 4.0 quarter credit course with a grade of B would earn 12.0 quality points (credit value of course (4) times grade point value of B (3)). 

The quarterly GPA is computed by dividing the sum of the quality points earned in all courses taken during the quarter by the total number of credit hours attempted during the quarter. The Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is calculated by dividing the total earned quality points by the total credits attempted. For more information please review CTU’s Grading System in the University Catalog.