Voiding Courses

Extensive or mitigating circumstances, with supplementary documentation, may determine that a student is eligible to void an ongoing course attempt (original or retake). A student may void one (1) course per program, at no cost to the student. Students may request to void a course provided the following are satisfied:

  • The course is currently active, and 
  • The student has extensive or mitigating circumstances limiting their participation in the program.

Examples of circumstances that constitute a valid void course request include but are not limited to:

  • Written documentation of an emergency situation
  • Documentation signed by a licensed health professional to account for medical circumstances for the student or individual in the primary care of the student
  • Notice of death (certificate or obituary) for a close friend or relative
  • Active duty military deployment or Reserve/National Guard Mobilization

Courses are not eligible for retroactive voiding without review and approval by Coding Dojo. A voided course can be combined with postponement or leave of absence requests. However, voided courses are not eligible for course removal.

Any additional retake policy notes that are program specific can be found under Program Descriptions.