Grading and Marking System


Belt Exams are used to assess a student's progress during the program. These exams are timed in order to assess if a student is able to build an application within the allotted time frame.

Grades provided for Belt Exams are between 1-10. Students must earn a score of 8 or higher to pass the exam in the course.

10 - Mastery

8 - Proficient

Below 8 - Fail

As an example, the following Belt Exams may be administered for Software Development Programs:

  • Yellow Belt - (Web Fundamentals) HTML, CSS, and JavaScript comprehension
  • Orange Belt - Build an application with the following features or concepts: Basic CRUD operations using an MVC framework, and backend validations (applies to Python, JavaScript, Java, or C#/.NET Core)
  • Red Belt - [Must get 8.0 or higher to receive] Build an application with the following features or concepts: Basic CRUD operations using an MVC framework, backend validations, database integration and use (applies to Python, JavaScript, Java, or C#/.NET Core)
  • Black Belt - [Must get 9.5 or higher to receive] All Red Belt features and concepts, in addition to advanced topics that could potentially include, but are not limited to, AJAX, Advanced SQL, and other technology-specific advanced topics.



  1. Exams are submitted within the time allotments set by instruction.
    1. Additional allotments may be made for students with approved accommodations.
  2. Exams are graded against a rubric, wherein students are assessed on their level of proficiency against the exam criteria outlined in the exam directions provided to the students.

Belt Exams are mandatory for each student to assess the level of skills they have acquired during the program.

Students are allowed to retake the Belt Exam up to two (2) times if they fail on their initial attempt. All exam attempts must be started before the exam cut-off date, unless the student has pre-approved accommodations. A student must receive a Belt Exam score of 8.0 or higher to successfully pass the exam.



Weekly, instructors assess the student's progress on the learning outcomes via an Assignment Review (sometimes called a Code Review in the Software Development programs), wherein the instructor hosts a small group discussion where students present and explain their application of learning outcomes on a specific key assignment. Instructors use rubrics to provide feedback to students on their learning, as well as real-time commentary to help students develop their skills.



Successful completion of the program results in the award of a Certificate dependent on the program. See Program Descriptions (Section 6) for more information.

Completion is based on program attendance, Belt Exam scores, and completion of assignments.

Program Attendance

  • Students must meet the minimum attendance requirements as outlined under the Attendance Policies section for each program course.

Belt Exams

  • Students must get an 8.0 (or 80%) or higher on the course's Belt Exam to progress to the next course.
  • Students are permitted to retake an exam specific to their course up to two (2) times by course evaluation date.

Completion of Assignments

  • Students must complete at least 90% or more of the course's core assignments.
  • Students must upload their assignments through the online learning platform.
  • Assignments will be marked either "Pass" or "Fail."
  • Incomplete and Invalid assignments will be marked "Fail."

Certificate Types

  • Certificate of Achievement: a certificate in a program that awards credit and can be applied to the CTU degree program indicated within the Coding Dojo program description (Section 6)
  • Certificate of Completion: a certificate that indicates students completed the Coding Dojo program of study and have earned CTU credits for certain courses completed
  • Certificate of Recognition: a certificate that indicates a student completed the Coding Dojo program of study.