Evaluation for Graduation Eligibility

1. Progress Reports

Students will receive regular progress reports that communicate their attendance and progress in each course of the program under the Academic Policies previously outlined. A final review of the student’s program progress will be completed at the end of the program to determine that the student is eligible for graduation.

2. Graduation Eligibility

To qualify for graduation, students must meet the following criteria:  

Software Development Full-Time Programs (not currently offered as of 9/20/2024)


  • Tuition paid in full or validated coverage by third-party
  • Meet the following Completion criteria:
    • Complete 90% or more of core assignments in each course*
    • At or greater than 70% attendance in each course*
  • Receive a Yellow Belt in Web Fundamentals (8.0)
  • Receive a Red Belt (or better) in Python (8.0)
  • Receive an Orange Belt (or better) in each subsequent course of the program. (8.0)


Software Development Online Part-Time Accelerated Program

  • Tuition paid in full or validated coverage by third-party
  • Meet the following Completion criteria:
    • Complete 90% or more of core assignments in each course*
    • At or greater than 70% discussion questions in each course (80% required for courses completed prior to 12/1/2022)*
  • Receive a Yellow Belt in Web Fundamentals (8.0)
  • Receive an Orange Belt (or better) in each subsequent Full-Stack course of the program. (8.0)
  • Completion of Projects & Algorithms



*Eligible program course is a course that counts toward the program’s completion. If a course is retaken, only the most recent attempt at the course is counted toward graduation requirements. Students are allowed to miss one core assignment or 10% of all core assignments in a class, whichever is less.