Program Pause

As of 12/17/2024, students will not be able to utilize program pause options in current Coding Dojo programs.


A student's program is considered to be "paused" if the student is available to attend classes, but the specific class or course is not available from Coding Dojo. This includes but is not limited to:

  • gaps in cohort availability
  • student's return date from postponement or leave of absence falls in-between course start dates
  • the closest available course for a retake has a lecture cadence that cannot be accommodated by the student (pertaining to Online Part-Time programs only)
  • other circumstances that are on the side of Coding Dojo and out of the student's control

Paused status will not apply to personal preference or to program limitations accepted by a student during enrollment (e.g., a student's program cannot be paused to take courses in a certain order of preference). Program pauses cannot be requested by students to gain additional weeks in a postponement or leave of absence.

All instances of program pauses will be reviewed case-by-case by the Student Experience Team prior to clearance. In the event that the student needs a specific lecture cadence, the student will be required to provide proof of that need in order to be considered paused, such as a copy of a work schedule. The student will only be on pause until the agreed upon course start date. Further extension may require postponement or leave of absence.