Coding Dojo Leave of Absence and Postponement
As of 12/17/2024, students will not be able to utilize postponement or leave of absence options in current Coding Dojo programs.
Due to the fast pace and short time span, extended leaves are disruptive to the curriculum style and can significantly hinder student success. Generally, if a student has a situation that requires them to miss more than the allotted absences, the student will be withdrawn from the program and any refunds will be processed. If the student decides to come back later and was previously in good standing, the student can enroll in the next available cohort. However, there are circumstances where a temporary leave from the program may be considered.
Communication is of utmost importance - please talk with instruction staff or your Student Experience Manager regarding options before making any decisions to temporarily leave the program. If a student falls under an abrupt change in circumstances, it is expected that the student will make a reasonable attempt to contact staff to at least notify of ongoing concerns, ideally within 72 hours of the change in circumstances if possible (email or phone call). Failure to communicate with staff may result in the student’s dismissal from the program due to falling out of compliance with the attendance policy.
Leave of Absence requests and Postponement requests maybe be made by emailing for assistance. Students are permitted one Leave of Absence and one Postponement per program.
Coding Dojo Leave of Absence
Students with program supplementing documentation for extreme mitigating circumstances are permitted a leave of absence (LOA) period of up to eight (8) weeks. A student may utilize a leave of absence once per program. The LOA will extend from the last date of attendance, a maximum of eight (8) weeks, until the next start date of either the same course or the next course in the sequence. A program pause may be administratively added to the end of a leave of absence based on course availability. Students who take a leave of absence following a void course request may start their leave of absence following the end of the voided course and at the start of the next available course.
Examples of circumstances that constitute a valid leave of absence request include but are not limited to:
- written documentation of an emergency situation
- documentation signed by a licensed health professional to account for medical circumstances for the student or individual in the primary care of the student
- Notice of death (certificate or obituary) for a close friend or relative
- Active duty military deployment or Reserve/National Guard Mobilization
Students requesting Leave of Absence due to pregnancy, parenting or other associated pregnancy related conditions are not required to provide supporting documentation. If a leave of absence has already been utilized, requests should be submitted to or the Title IX coordinator for review at
Students who are not part of Coding Dojo's programs should refer to CTU's Leave of Absence policy.
A student may postpone a course start once per program for up to four (4) weeks and will need documentation for Force Majeure or Mitigating Circumstances, accepting as a signed document or signed written statement from the student. A student may utilize a postponement once per program. The postponement will extend from the last date of attendance, a maximum of four (4) weeks, until the next start date of either the same course or the next course in sequence. A program pause may be administratively added to the end of a leave of absence based on course availability. Students who postpone following a void course request may start their postponement following the end of the voided course and at the start of the next available course.
Mitigating circumstances are defined as any serious circumstances beyond a student's control which may have adversely affected academic performance. Examples include but are not limited to:
- serious illness or sudden deterioration of chronic illness for the student (may require documentation)
- serious illness of a close friend or relative
- death of a close friend or relative
- extreme family situations leading to stress
- extreme financial circumstances leading to stress (e.g., loss of job)
- US Visa problems or change in immigration status
- Technical difficulties (e.g., broken computer)
Examples that do not constitute as mitigating circumstances include but are not limited to:
- Moving house (unless the student is evicted)
- Vacations, weddings, or other planned events or appointments (see attendance policy)
- Common illnesses - such as colds, flus, stomach bugs - that normally would fall under the absence threshold, unless illness reaches level of seriousness as outlined above
- Poor practice (e.g., no back up of electronic documents)
- Criminal conviction
- Being unaware of the dates/times of submission deadlines or examination(s)
- Not being aware of the Attendance Policy, Academic Policy, or Code of Conduct
Students requesting postponement due to pregnancy, parenting or other associated pregnancy related conditions are not required to provide supporting documentation. If a postponement has already been utilized, requests should be submitted to or the Title IX coordinator for review at
Auto Void of Affected Course
If the affected course meets all the requirements to be voided, students going on a leave of absence or postponement will have the affected course automatically voided unless explicitly requested otherwise. If a void has already been utilized, requests should be submitted to or the Title IX coordinator for review at