Other Online Part-Time Programs Attendance Policy

For the Data Science, Data Analytics & Visualization, Data Science & Machine Learning, Cybersecurity, and UI/UX Design programs, student attendance is monitored by their participation in bi-weekly lessons conducted by the instructor. Students are required to be present for a minimum of 70% of class course hours for each course.

Any student who is absent for two (2) consecutive lectures (a full 5 day week of lessons), without prior notice or response to out reach, will be reviewed for program dismissal.

  • 3 and 4 week course - maximum of 2 days of absence
  • 8 week course - maximum of 4 days of absence
  • 10 and 11 week course - maximum of 6 days of absence

Tardiness Policy

  • Students who arrive after the start of a session but less than 10 minutes will be considered as "Late" for that session.
  • Students who arrive late or leave early exceeding 10 minutes will be considered "Absent" for the session.
  • For every 3 late sessions, a student will be counted as "Absent" for 1 session.