Disbursement of Title IV Credit Balance - Books

Inclusion of Books and Supplies in a bundled tuition rate

The Institution is required, for all Title IV HEA program eligible students, to provide, by the 7th day of classes, a means to obtain or purchase required books and supplies necessary for the applicable term. In an effort to ensure students are able to obtain required course material at a competitive market rate and by the 7th day of classes, the institution bundles the costs of books and supplies into the per credit hour rate, allowing students to budget the cost of books and supplies across the length of the program.


To determine a program's fixed credit hour bundled tuition rate, the institution aggregates the costs of books and supplies and determines an average per credit hour cost of the materials, therefore assigning a proportion of that per credit hour rate as the costs of books and supplies for the program.


The institution has published both the negotiated price and retail price available to our students. This information is posted on our virtual campus under the resource link. For additional information please contact an institutional representative.


Students may opt out of using the way the school has chosen to fulfill this requirement. However, keep in mind that opting out does not require the school to provide the student with an alternative delivery method and the student is responsible for obtaining all required course material. If the course material is not available from any other source but the institution, the student is not able to opt out of those required books and supplies. Please contact your financial aid advisor immediately if you choose to opt out. In the event the student chooses to opt out, the average (not actual) book charge as described above will be credited to your account.