Professional Training/Certification Credit (PTCC)

At CTU, students can explore the opportunity to earn proficiency credit through Professional Training/Certification (PTCC). Professional training certificates indicate learning achieved outside of traditional classroom settings, and show knowledge regarding a specific subject. Many of these programs carry American Council on Education (ACE) recognition and credit recommendations, and may be accepted according to Colorado Technical University’s academic requirements. Other documented clock hour, Continuing Education Unit (CEU) or other units, and/or other documented training may be evaluated for PTCC proficiency credit.

Students interested in pursuing proficiency credit through PTCC should contact a Registrar Evaluation Services Evaluator and/or Student Success Coach to discuss their applicable certificate(s) and determine their eligibility.

Specific requirements for the evaluation and award of PTCC proficiency credit include but are not limited to:

1. The Professional Training/Certification must relate specifically to the course learning objectives found in the student’s undergraduate, graduate, or doctoral academic degree program.
2. The Professional Training/Certification must demonstrate undergraduate-level, graduate-level, or doctoral-level learning that is appropriately documented and equivalent to the course objectives found in the comparable Colorado Technical University course.
3. Submission of evidence of completed certification or training.
4. Students may be required to submit a learning narrative explaining how the certificate or training relates to each course objective. Determination of narrative requirement is made based on the recommendation of the Registrar Evaluation Services Department and College/Departmental leadership or designated appointee.
5. Once students are in the last session of their degree program, no transfer or proficiency credit will be awarded.
6. Professional Training/Certification proficiency credit must be applied one session before a student’s course is scheduled in order to exempt the student from taking the course. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the PTCC is on file with the University.
7. Professional Training/Certification proficiency credit must be applied towards a specific course and may not be submitted for credit towards multiple courses.
8. Application of Professional Training/Certification proficiency credit at the undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral levels is dependent upon the recommendation of the Registrar Evaluation Services Department and the approval of College/Departmental leadership or a designated appointee.

Students enrolled in CTU's Master's of Science in Nursing, or a degree program with a practicum or capstone, are not eligible for PTCC proficiency credit for the practica or capstone course.

Transfer of Credit to Colorado Technical University
Colorado Technical University supports the philosophy that related courses, demonstrated proficiencies, and professional experience knowledge may be used to satisfy some course credit requirements. Credit granted for past experience, training, certification, and testing may reduce the time required to earn a degree. Proficiency credit will be accepted upon evaluation and at the discretion of Colorado Technical University in all cases.

The maximum amount of proficiency credit that can be used towards any Colorado Technical University degree program is capped by the Residency Requirement of the University.
Many adult learners have acquired formal training outside the sponsorship of credit granting institutions, such as military training, training with officially documented clock hours or Continuing Education Units (CEUs), or other company training. Many of these programs carry ACE recognition and credit recommendations, and may be accepted according to Colorado Technical University’s academic credit equivalency requirements. Students may be required to submit a learning narrative for the evaluation process. Other documented clock hour, CEU or other units, and/or other documented training may be evaluated for advanced standing credit awards based on PTCC criteria and guidelines.