EAC Relief Grant - 2020

CTU has established the EAC Relief Grant – 2020 grant* for eligible Corporate Education Alliance grant recipients and their immediate family members** who have lost employment due to COVID-19***. Recipients of the EAC Relief Grant –2020 will be awarded the grant for up to two academic quarters. To be eligible for the EAC Relief Grant - 2020, a candidate must complete the required documentation and must also allow for verification of eligibility.

In addition to the CTU General Grant and Scholarship Conditions, students must also meet the following criteria:

  • Qualifying students must be a continuously enrolled previous recipient of a Corporate Educational Alliance or Commitment grant having lost employment due to COVID-19.
  • Students must show documentation indicating they were employed with the Corporate Educational Alliances company in 2020 and are no longer employed or have lost access to employer-sponsored tuition assistance benefits due to COVID-19.
  • Students must have continuous enrollment to continue the grant and remain in good standing with the university.
  • Additional conditions may apply based on specific Corporate Educational Alliance agreements.
  • The grant can be combined with Post 9/11 GI Bill® and Vocational Readiness and Employment benefits.
  • The grant may be combined with the reduced military tuition rate in certain instances.

*Please note that grant percentages may vary (ranging from 5% - 60% of the tuition costs) by Corporate Educational Alliance.  Please contact the Financial Aid Office to determine the grant percentage for which you may qualify.

**Immediate family members: Spouse (domestic/life partner) or dependent natural child, adopted child, and/or step child only. Siblings, cousins, etc. are not considered an immediate family

*** Information about COVID-19 can be found at https://www.cdc.gov/