Student Grievance Procedure

Please note that this grievance procedure is intended for grievances concerning a student’s recruitment, enrollment, attendance, education, financial aid assistance, or career service assistance, or the educational process or other school matters.

The student grievance procedure does not apply to student grievances regarding grades, academic dismissals; or verbal, physical or visual harassment or discrimination; which are addressed in other sections of this catalog.

This section describes the steps of Colorado Technical University’s Student Grievance Procedure which is designed so that a student’s grievance can be investigated and addressed promptly and without undue delay. In order to achieve that, it is strongly recommended that the student begin these steps at the first indication of a problem or concern.

Colorado Technical University and the student agree to participate in good faith in this grievance procedure. We will receive all grievance information submitted by the student in strict confidence and we and the student agree to maintain confidentiality throughout the steps of the grievance procedure.

No reprisals of any kind will be taken by any party of interest or by any member of the campus administration against any party involved. We will investigate all grievances fully and promptly.

The Grievance Procedure applies to ALL students whether attending classes via on-campus or online.

A student should refer to the "Agreement to Submit to CTU's Grievance Procedure" and "Agreement to Arbitrate" sections of his/her Enrollment Agreement for important terms and conditions regarding this grievance procedure and other rights.  Nothing in the student's Enrollment Agreement prevents him/her from presenting any grievance to an accrediting agency or government agency authorized to hear such grievance prior to submitting such matter under this grievance procedure.

Step 1:

Colorado Technical University strongly encourages the student to resolve grievances through discussion with the appropriate instructor or staff member at the first indication of a problem or concern to speed the process to resolution. However, the student can have up to ten (10) Business Days of the occurrence to take this Step 1.

Grievances involving an instructor or staff member should first be discussed with the individual involved.

Complaints involving a policy or class should first be discussed with the individual enforcing that policy or the class instructor.

The student can expect to receive a response within three (3) Business Days from the appropriate party involved in the incident.

Step 2:

If Step 1 fails to yield a mutually agreeable resolution, then the student must submit, in writing, to the Department Head, Director of Education, or Vice Provost a descriptions of the actions taken to resolve the matter in Step 1. The description should be provided no later than ten (10) Business Days after receiving a response from Step 1.

The student will receive a written response within five (5) Business Days after the receipt of the description by the Department Head, Director of Education, or Vice Provost. The response will include the findings, reasoning, and conclusions.

Step 3:

If Step 2 fails to yield a mutually agreeable resolution, then the student may choose to file a formal grievance of the matter. If the student chooses to file a formal grievance, it is strongly recommended that the student files the grievance upon receiving the decision upon completion of Step 2, but no later than ten (10) Business Days after receiving the decision in Step 2.

To file a formal grievance, the student must submit a ‘Grievance Submission Form’ available either via the Virtual Campus or the Student Portal to the Office of the Ombudsman.

Within three (3) Business Days after receipt of the Grievance Submission Form, the Office of the Ombudsman will contact the student to review with the student the student’s claim and supporting evidence and the information and evidence that had been considered with regard to the claim. The Office of the Ombudsman will take a fresh look at the complaint and subsequent actions taken and decisions rendered by discussing them with the parties involved in the matter. The Ombudsman will seek to ensure fair and consistent treatment with regard to the matters complained of and the handling of the complaint.

Within five (5) Business Days after speaking directly with the student, the Office of the Ombudsman will provide the student with a written response that will include the findings, reasoning, and conclusions of the Ombudsman’s review. The Office of the Ombudsman will also discuss with the student any options available to the student to further address the grievance.

The student’s Grievance Submission Form, together with the findings of the review, will become a permanent part of the files for all parties involved.

In the event that Step 3 fails to yield a mutually agreeable resolution, the student may choose to file arbitration as provided in the student’s Enrollment Agreement. The period during which the student has pursued this grievance procedure through the determination in Step 3 will not count toward any legal statute of limitations relating to the student’s claim.