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Privacy Policy

Here are some of the items students have the right to ask for:

  • Copies of documents on CTU’s accreditation

  • Information about CTU’s programs, faculty, laboratory, and other physical facilities

  • Special accommodations CTU can provide to assist those with disabilities

  • Cost of attending and refund policy

  • Procedures and deadlines for submitting applications for financial aid programs

  • Information about how CTU selects aid recipients

  • Explanation on how CTU determines financial need is met

  • What types of financial assistance is available

  • How and when financial aid is received by CTU

  • The type and amount of assistance for which the student was financially packaged

  • How CTU determines satisfactory academic progress

  • Loan interest rates

  • Loan fees information

  • Information on repayment, cancellation, deferment, forbearance, consolidation, refinance, and default

CTU can collect information from and about students, but students also have rights to their privacy, and can determine how we use their information.  CTU has a privacy policy that informs students about what information is collected and how it is used along with students’ rights to manage the information CTU collects. For further information, please review the CTU Privacy Policy

CTU’s Copyright and Trademark

©2023 All rights reserved. No information may be duplicated without CTU's permission. The CTU logo is a registered trademark of Perdoceo Education Corporation. CTU cannot guarantee employment, salary, or career advancement. Not all programs are available to residents of all states. CTU does not accept applications from residents of Massachusetts or New York (except for select corporate partners) and certain foreign countries. Programs vary by location and modality; see the University Catalog for details. Financial aid is available for those who qualify. The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) visual information does not imply or constitute DOD endorsement. See the Accreditation & Licensure section for information on the agencies that approve and regulate the school's programs, including relevant complaint procedures. Visit Accreditations Page