NRSG660 FNPI Practicum: Advanced nursing care of the adult, geriatric and women patients

This course allows the Family Nurse Practitioner student the opportunity to apply newly learned theory from advanced pathophysiology, pharmacology and physical assessment into the development of holistic patient-centered care for adult, women, geriatric and frail elderly patients. Students will be required to demonstrate the use of evidence-based practice in the treatment and evaluation of healthcare outcomes of the patient across the adult life continuum, including pregnancy.

This course is taken as a series of NRSG660A (3 credits), NRSG660B (3 credits), NRSG660C (2 credits), which must be completed sequentially in separate sessions. This series requires completion of 240 supervised direct care practicum hours (80 of which are in women’s health) with the adult population. The entire series must be completed in order for a grade to be granted. The preceptor must be approved by the College of Nursing prior to enrollment in this course. Students must earn a grade of B- (80%) or higher in all core and concentration courses to pass the course in the program.





