CJFI420 Forensic Photography & Crime Scene Documentation

The course is designed to provide the student with the basic concepts of crime scene photography and documentation techniques for homicide scenes, autopsies, and suicides, other dead-body scenes, assaults, burglaries, injuries, sex offenses, arson, and accidents. Lectures will address the use of Polaroid cameras, videotaping, copy stand photography, blood stain documentation, tool mark analysis and court presentations. The digital camera format is also part of the curriculum. Basic techniques of photography and camera operation, application of film/digital application, lighting techniques including low light and electronic flash will be part of the discussion and the laboratory component of the course. Laboratory exercises will be conducted to reinforce class lectures and demonstrations.




Required Equipment : 35mm digital camera with manual controls; Video camera (any model); detachable electronic flash; sync cord; tripod; spare batteries.




Security Studies


Not available online.