Fast Track Exams

CTU allows for potential proficiency credit for selected courses by allowing the student to demonstrate knowledge of key course objectives. Fast Track exams are offered to allow students the opportunity to demonstrate proficiency in specific courses via CTU’s adaptive learning technology called intellipath.

Specific requirements for Fast Track exams include but are not limited to:

• Students interested in Fast Track proficiency credit should contact their Prior Learning Assessment Evaluator or Student Success Coach.

• Students in applicant or active school status who are meeting satisfactory academic progress are eligible to attempt Fast Track Exams.

• Students are required to satisfy all pre-requisites prior to scheduling Fast Track exams, as applicable.

• Fast Track proficiency credit must be applied before the student attempts the course or equivalent course.

• Fast Track exams are available for a testing period of seven days.  Students have a total of five hours during the exam period to complete the exam and are permitted only one attempt per exam. 

• To earn proficiency (PR) credit, students must demonstrate proficiency of the course learning objectives by earning a 70% or greater on undergraduate level exams, or 80% or greater on graduate level exams.

• Students may attempt no more than two Fast Track exams in any testing period.

• No transfer or proficiency credit will be considered or awarded after the start of the student’s last academic quarter.

• Proficiency credit through Fast Track exams is applicable to CTU and is not guaranteed to be transferred to another institution.


Transfer of Credit to Colorado Technical University
Colorado Technical University supports the philosophy that related courses, demonstrated proficiencies, and professional experience knowledge may be used to satisfy some course credit requirements. Credit granted for past experience, training, certification, and testing may reduce the time required to earn a degree. Proficiency credit will be accepted upon evaluation and at the discretion of Colorado Technical University in all cases. 

The maximum amount of proficiency credit that can be used towards any Colorado Technical University degree program is capped by the Residency Requirement of the University.