
Re-taking a Failed Course

A student who receives a failing grade (W/F/NP) in a required course must repeat the course and receive a passing grade or receive transfer credit for the course in order to graduate. Students are allowed to re-take any course a maximum numbers of times before being withdrawn from their program. At CTU the maximum number for courses receiving a W/F/NP grade is 4 repeats for a total of 5 attempts at the undergraduate level, and 3 repeats for a total of 4 attempts at the graduate level. A course for which an “F” is awarded is included in the term GPA and CGPA. When the student repeats the course with a passing grade or receives transfer credit, the CGPA will be adjusted accordingly using the highest grade. The failure will remain on the transcript. Students should note that Healthcare programs may have more rigorous academic requirements. Students should contact their Academic Advisor or Program Chair for specific program requirements regarding retakes and failed courses. The total number of attempts for a student receiving a grade of W/F/NP is five at the undergraduate level and four at the graduate level.

Application of Grades and Credits

The charts above describe the impact of each grade on a student’s academic progress. For calculating rate of academic progress, grades of F (unsatisfactory), W (withdraw), and I (incomplete) are counted as hours attempted but are not counted as hours successfully completed.

The student must repeat any required course in which the student receives a grade of F or W. A grade of W is not replaced when a student repeats the course, but remains part of the student's permanent record. If the course is no longer offered a substitute course may be used subject to approval from a Program Chair. In the case of a repeated course, the better of the two grades is calculated into the CGPA. The lower grade will be replaced by a double asterisk (**) indicating that a higher grade has been earned for a separate attempt at the course. If the same grade is obtained when a course is repeated, only the first attempt and corresponding grade will be calculated into the CGPA. Both original and repeated credits will be counted as attempted credits in rate of progress calculations.

Students who repeat courses are encouraged to consult their Academic Advisor/Student Advising Team on how repeated courses may adversely affect their Satisfactory Academic Progress. Students should also contact the Financial Aid Department regarding repeated courses that have extended the length of a degree program and may have resulted in additional charges. Students are financially responsible for attempted courses.

Undergraduate students will be allowed to repeat courses in which they received a grade of D or below and master’s students will be allowed to repeat courses in which they received a grade of C or below.


Application of Withdrawal Grade

A "W" grade indicates that a student has been withdrawn from a course.  Students who withdraw from a course during the add/drop period will be unregistered from the course.  Students who withdraw from a course after the add/drop period but before the last calendar week of the class, and have a date of attendance (LDA) for the class during the last calendar week of the scheduled course, will receive the grade earned calculated as a final grade.  A Course Withdrawal Form or Withdrawal Routing Spreadsheet is completed by campus officials when awarding "W"grades.

Re-taking a Passed Course

A student receiving a passing grade who wishes to repeat a course to receive a higher grade is allowed to re-take the course one time.  Students will be ineligible for Title IV funding for additional attempts beyond the first re-take.


Grade Point Average (GPA)

The grade point average is computed for each academic level using course grade points. The quality points earned for each course are computed by multiplying the course's credit hours by the grade point of the final grade received. The quarterly GPA is computed by dividing the sum of the quality points earned in all courses taken during the quarter by the total number of credit hours attempted during the quarter. The Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is calculated by dividing the total earned quality points by the total credits attempted.