Master of Science in Criminal Justice

The Master of Science in Criminal Justice (MSCJ) is a 48-credit-hour program that is offered online and at the Colorado campuses. The program is designed to help criminal justice practitioners explore current trends in the areas of corrections, law enforcement, and criminology in order to advance their policy development, planning, and decision making skills in the criminal justice field.


This program does not lead to additional licensure or certification.  As such, CTU has made no determination regarding prerequisites for licensure or certification in any state or jurisdiction.

Mission Statement

The mission of the College of Security Studies is to provide engaging instruction and knowledge through public service programs that align with industry relevant standards and cultivate professional competencies, critical-thinking, ethical decision-making, and cultural awareness to promote social justice.


MSCJ Program Learning Outcomes

1. Apply knowledge of criminal justice principles to analyses and evaluations

2. Incorporate the psychological and sociological dimensions of human behavior and crime in analyses and evaluations

3. Apply advanced concepts relating to law enforcement, corrections and the courts

4. Examine and integrate the emerging trends in the criminal justice system

5. Analyze the contemporary issues facing interactions between the community and the criminal justice system that honors inclusion, diversity, and equity

Degree Requirements

Courses: Core

INTD670Leadership and Ethical Decision-Making


CJUS600Advanced Review of Criminal Justice


CJUS615Criminology and Public Policy


CJUS625Issues of Diversity in Criminal Justice


CJUS650Terrorism and Homeland Security Management


CJUS675Special Topics in Criminal Justice


PA605Graduate Research Methods for Public Administration


Total Credit Hours:28

Courses: Concentration

CJUS620Court Services Management


CJUS630Law Enforcement Management


CJUS640Corrections Management


CJUS685Graduate Criminal Justice Capstone


HRMT645Operational Human Resource Management


Total Credit Hours:20

Total Credit Hours: 48


  • Colorado Springs
  • Aurora (Denver Area)
  • Virtual Campus

Area of Study

  • Security Studies & Criminal Justice

Degree Level

  • Master