Course Information

Enrollment Period Definition

Colorado Technical University follows the 11-week quarter system. Each quarter consists of two sessions of 5-1/2 weeks each. In each 11-week quarter, sessions are identified as Session A and Session B. If a student begins his or her degree program at the beginning of a Session A, he or she will have their academic quarter identified as that found on the Academic Calendar. Students who begin their degree program at the beginning of Session B will have their 11-week academic quarter defined as the 5-1/2 weeks of Session B and the subsequent 5-1/2 weeks of Session A. To illustrate this, a Session A student's quarter is defined below, followed by a Session B student's quarter:

Quarter definition for student who starts degree program in Session A:

Session A

5 1/2 weeks

11-Week Quarter (Session C)

Session B

5 1/2 weeks

Quarter definition for student who starts degree program in Session B:

Session B

5 1/2 weeks

11-Week Quarter (Session D)

Session A

5 1/2 weeks

Academic Year

The University defines the academic year as a period of time in which a full-time student is expected to complete three terms (quarters) of instructional time. A full-time undergraduate student is expected to complete at least 36 credits within the academic year and a full-time graduate student is expected to complete at least 24 credits within the academic year. Colorado Technical University’s academic calendar operates on the quarter system with each quarter consisting of 11 weeks. The associate degree length is equivalent to a two year program and the bachelor length is equivalent to a four year program. A detailed academic calendar is included as an addendum to this catalog.

Course Load

Colorado Technical University defines standard academic course load on quarter credit hour loads. The standard academic course load for a full-time student varies by degree level:

Doctorate: a minimum of 7 or more quarter credit hours per quarter
Graduate: a minimum of 8 or more quarter credit hours per quarter
Undergraduate: a minimum of 12 or more quarter credit hours per quarter

Undergraduate students registered for more than 22.5 quarter credit hours in an academic quarter are considered to have a course overload. Graduate or doctorate students enrolled for more than 12 quarter hours in a quarter are regarded as having a course overload.

Students requesting a course overload must demonstrate maintaining satisfactory academic progress ahead of the requested quarter having the overload. Students not meeting satisfactory academic progress or assigned an academic plan are not eligible to overload their quarter. Students desiring to overload their upcoming quarter need to contact their Student Success Coach to determine eligibility.

A review of the student’s schedule by the appropriate academic official is required for all course overload requests. All course overload requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis to ensure applicable pre-requisites are satisfied in addition to programmatic considerations. Not all courses are available every quarter; therefore, course overload requests are subject to course availability.

Students are highly encouraged to consult with the Financial Aid department before registration to determine funding to accommodate an increase in credit load.

Course Numbering System

00 – 99                 Undergraduate preparatory courses – do            

    not count toward graduation

100 – 499              Undergraduate courses

500 – 599              Graduate foundation courses

600 – 699              Graduate courses

700 – 899              Doctorate courses


Grade Level Classification

Earned undergraduate credit hours










Earned graduate credit hours:


1st year


2nd year


Definition of a Credit Hour

CTU awards quarter credit hours to reflect the successful completion of pre-determined course learning objectives and requirements. A quarter credit hour represents an institutionally established equivalency of work or learning corresponding to intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement. CTU has established equivalencies that reasonably approximate expected learning outcomes resulting from the following time commitments:

  1. One hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out of class student work each week for approximately 11 weeks, or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time; for example, 5.5 week classes require approximately twice the work on a weekly basis.
  2. At least an equivalent amount of work required in paragraph (1) of this definition for other academic activities as established by the institution including laboratory work, internships, practica, studio work, and other academic work leading to the award of credit hours.

Course Delivery Methods

At Colorado Technical University students who are enrolled through a ground campus may have the option of taking courses in three modalities, or delivery methods. The options available are: face-to-face, blended and fully online, and are further defined below. Please note that not all courses will be available in all delivery methods each session. Check with your student or academic advisor regarding course availability.

  1. Face-to-Face: A course taught in the face-to-face delivery method meets 100% in the classroom. Students in a face-to-face course will be required to attend classes at a specified time at the campus where the course is being taught. All attendance is recorded by the instructor, and assignments are turned in directly to the instructor, as well. This is the traditional, classroom-based course modality.
  2. Blended: Blended courses combine the face-to-face and online delivery methods. Students in a blended course will be required to attend classes at a specified time at the campus where the course is being taught. Students will also be required to participate in the course via CTU’s student portal and online classroom by interacting with other students and the instructor via Discussion Boards. It may also be required that students submit individual assignments through the online classroom.
  3. Fully Online: A fully online course is delivered 100% online via CTU’s Virtual Campus. Students in a fully online course should expect to interact with their classmates and instructor virtually through Discussion Boards, Live Chats and email. A fully online course never meets face-to-face.

Virtual Campus and Fully Online Courses:

All students who are enrolled through one of CTU’s ground campuses should expect to take a portion of their classes through the Virtual Campus. Virtual Campus resources and tools are offered, including an online Virtual Campus open house/orientation, and support contacts throughout the university.

Students wishing to take a CTU fully online course should be aware:

  • Attendance in a fully online course is automatically recorded and tracked by the Virtual Campus system. A student’s attendance will only be recorded and updated when that student completes one of the following activities:
  • Creating a new Discussion Board or replying to an already created Discussion Board within their classroom.
  • Submitting an individual project/assignment.
  • Completing and submitting a Knowledge Check. Not all courses use Knowledge Checks and students should not rely on completing these to update their attendance.
  • Students in a fully online course are held to the standards and policies that govern fully online courses.
  • All assignments in a fully online course must be submitted via the Virtual Classroom.
  • Most fully online courses are 5.5 weeks in duration.
  • Not all fully online courses are available in all sessions.

Quarter Semester Conversion

CTU operates on a quarter schedule. One semester hour is converted as 1.5 quarter credit hours.