Academic Honesty and Integrity

All students are expected to conform to the accepted standards of academic honesty. Any work submitted by a student must represent original work produced by that student, and any source used by a student must be documented through normal scholarly references and citations. Any clear violations of these standards, such as cheating, violating copyright laws, falsification of data, plagiarism, or submitting the same work in more than one course without obtaining advance approval will not be tolerated by the University and may be grounds for dismissal. Such violations are to be processed promptly, firmly, privately, and fairly by the instructor and may result in sanctions up to and including dismissal from the University. The instructor will promptly notify the University of the discovery of the incident. All instances are cumulative, permanently recorded, and tracked across a student’s tenure at all CTU campuses. The final determination of academic dishonesty will be decided by the appropriate academic official for the particular program or campus.
Academic Honesty violations are documented in the student’s file. The student will be notified by the appropriate University official and required to review the Academic Honesty Policy and Honor Code and affirm the CTU Honor Statement. Multiple violations of the Academic Honesty Policy may result in repercussions up to and including dismissal from the University.
The student may appeal any decision to the appropriate Appeals Board. The Appeals Board will render a final decision after appropriate investigation, which may include factors such as prior academic honesty violations, previous correspondence and warnings, and academic history. Decisions from the Appeals Board may have stipulations attached to outcomes.


Cheating shall be defined as:

  • copying to any extent the work of another;
  • intentionally assisting another student during an examination;
  • having unauthorized access to material related to an examination during the examination;
  • possessing or having access to unauthorized copies of an examination;
  • departing from any stated examination conditions.


The New International Dictionary of the English Language (Funk & Wagnalls, 2000) defines plagiarize as “to appropriate and pass off as one’s own (the writings, ideas, etc., of another)” (p. 965).

Plagiarism involves:

  • Submitting another person’s work as one’s own;
  • Submitting work from any source that is not properly acknowledged by footnote, bibliography, or reference within a paper;
  • Submitting work pieced together from phrases and/or sentences from various sources without acknowledgment;
  • Submitting work that uses any phrase(s), sentence, or stylistic mannerism rearranged or otherwise without acknowledgment;
  • Omitting quotation marks from any directly quoted material;
  • Failure to use ellipsis (…) to indicate omission of one or more words;
  • Submitting an assignment that is an exact copy of work completed for a course at another University;
  • Submitting an assignment(s), or any part of an assignment, for more than one class without enhancing and refining the assignment, and without first receiving instructor permission. In cases where revision of previous assignments is permitted by the instructor, the student should be prepared to submit the original assignment for comparison purposes;
  • Any other actions deemed to be plagiarism by the faculty.


At Colorado Technical University, students are given the opportunity to resubmit work that was previously submitted to past courses if the instructor has given his/her approval to the student to do so and if the submission complies with the Academic Honesty & Integrity guidelines outlined above. The resubmission policy applies to all assignment types except intellipath and the introductory discussion board assignment.

Student Responsibilities

  • It is a student’s responsibility prior to assignment submission to submit a written request to the instructor that details for which course and term the work was originally submitted along with justification for the resubmission request. 
  • It is a student’s responsibility to wait to submit resubmitted work until after receiving written approval from the instructor.
  • If a student is resubmitting an individual project:
    • Once the request to resubmit has been approved by the instructor, it is the student's responsibility to document that the work is his/her own by including the following verbiage at the beginning of the document: "This assignment was originally submitted during the [previous session] in [previous course & section] with [previous instructor name].  Approval to resubmit this assignment was obtained from [current instructor name] on [MM/DD/YY]."
  • If a student is resubmitting a non-introductory discussion board assignment:
    • Once the request to resubmit has been approved by the instructor, the student can submit the assignment.  The student does not need to include a statement in the assignment that it is resubmitted work.
  • It is a student’s responsibility to ensure alignment with expectations of the current course assignment, and so the student should update his/her assignments to meet new or modified assignment requirements within the new course or updated version of a course. 
  • It is a student’s responsibility to review his/her work, making necessary changes to enhance the quality based on the resources provided in the current course, current instructor feedback and guidelines, and previous instructor feedback. 
  • It is a student’s responsibility to keep pace with assignment due dates and to participate fully in every course; therefore, if there are multiple assignments being resubmitted, students should submit tasks during the unit in which it is due. 

Instructor Guidelines

  • Instructors will make determinations of approvals or denials of the use of resubmitted work in consultation with their lead faculty member (as deemed necessary) and will provide a written approval or denial of the resubmission request to the student. 
    • If the request is denied, the instructor will provide justification for that denial.
  • If an instructor is not made aware of work being resubmitted, the instructor will treat the assignment as plagiarized and reserves the right to post an F (0) grade and submit it for review until proof of originality is provided, at which point the instructor will make a grade change determination. 
  • If resubmitted work is accepted, the instructor will include the following statement within the gradebook acknowledging that the work was accepted under the Academic Honesty Policy Resubmission Clause:
    • Resubmitted work has been accepted for this assignment in accordance with the Academic Honesty Policy Resubmission Clause.
  • An instructor is under no obligation to allow students to resubmit work in order to make corrections if the work does not meet the requirements of the new session. 
  • An instructor is under no obligation to consider the grade that was originally received in a previous course on resubmitted work. Therefore, there is no guarantee the same grade will be awarded.
    • If a student is awarded a lower grade for resubmitted work, this is not considered grounds for a grade appeal.
Policy Exception: The resubmission policy does not apply to posts made in introductory discussion boards, those students who are building a body of work (example: a capstone portfolio), or to those who are revising work as a compilation for a final project (example: a dissertation). Please discuss any questions or concerns with the Student Success Coach and the instructor.