General Information for State Grievance Procedures

If the student fails to initiate any of the steps in this procedure within the required timeframe, then the student will be deemed to have accepted the decision or resolution last rendered or proposed by Colorado Technical University.

If the school fails to act within the timeframe described in this procedure, then the student may elect to forgo any further steps in the Student Grievance Procedure and choose to go directly to arbitration as provided in the student's Enrollment Agreement.

The time periods set forth in these procedures can be extended by mutual consent, in writing, of Colorado Technical University and the student.


This grievance procedure is designed to address problems promptly and without undue delay. In order to achieve that, the student must initiate Step 1 within ten (10) business days of the incident or circumstance(s) giving rise to the complaint, and must initiate each other Step within ten (10) business days after receiving a response or if more than twenty (20) business days have passed with no response. If the student fails to take any of the steps in this procedure within the required time frames, then the student will be deemed to have accepted the resolution last proposed by CTU. If the school fails to act within the time frames described in this procedure, then the student may elect to forgo any further steps in the grievance procedure and choose to go directly to arbitration as provided in the student's Enrollment Agreement. The time periods set forth in these procedures can be extended by mutual consent of CTU and the student.

Conduct Committee

Inappropriate conduct, based on the requirements noted above, will not be tolerated and may be a cause for dismissal. Students violating the Code of Conduct may be brought to the institution’s Conduct Committee for possible dismissal from the institution. The Conduct Committee is made up of a) the Chief Academic Officer (or designee) b) minimum of one program chair (outside the area of dispute) c) minimum of 2 faculty (outside the area of dispute) d) minimum of one non-academic staff member (outside the area of dispute).

  1. Any charge, accusation, or allegation which is presented against a student, may subject a student to disciplinary action. The charge, accusation, or allegation must be submitted in writing (excepting emergency situations mentioned in #2) with pertinent details to the Conduct Committee through the Chief Academic Officer or designee promptly by the individual or individuals. This written notice must be submitted no later than five (5) business days after the incident occurred. Note that the Conduct Committee does not supersede the role of other CTU officials. For example:
  2. Faculty have the right to remove a student from a class when, in the opinion of the faculty member, the student’s actions are interfering with the classroom learning environment.
  3. The Campus President has full power and authority to enforce rules and regulations to govern student conduct and to take emergency measures to protect the health and safety of students and employees.
  4. Every student is subject to federal and state law and respective country and city ordinances. The conviction of a student for any criminal offense which interferes with the orderly operation of the institution, or which the administration feels would endanger members of the community, shall be subject to disciplinary action, including dismissal. The duration of any sanction will be determined by the Campus President and based on the degree of severity of the infraction.


Sanctions can be enforced by the campus Director of Education, the University Chief Academic Officer or designee, and the Conduct Committee. Sanctions can take several forms including the following:

  1. Official Reprimand - an oral statement and warning by an appropriate official to cease the inappropriate behavior or act. This oral statement should articulate the consequences if the infraction is repeated. A copy of the reprimand will reside in the student’s file.
  2. Official Written Notice – a censure citing that the student has violated a specific tenet of the Code, the nature of the violation, and the judicial determination that a repeat occurrence during the remaining time of the student’s degree studies may/will lead to immediate suspension. A copy of the official written notice will reside in the student’s file.
  3. Suspension – the student is not allowed to participate in any aspect of the institution and is withdrawn from the institution for the length of time of the suspension. During this time, the student is barred from the school and may not be on the premises. A copy of the official letter of suspension will reside in the student’s file.
  4. Expulsion or disciplinary dismissal – the student is permanently removed from all connections and associations with the institution. A copy of the official letter of expulsion will reside in the student’s file. The President has the authority to expel a student from the institution based on appropriate investigation, findings, and recommendations from officials or the Conduct Committee.


Whenever and however determinations of sanctions (temporarily or otherwise) are reached, students have the right to appeal to the determination. All incidents of student misconduct or inappropriate behavior that do not result in immediate dismissal are considered according to procedures listed and the individual’s use of the appeals process.

CTU is committed to, and will maintain necessary avenues for students to have the right of fair play in matters that warrant such rights.

  1. A student may appeal a campus decision in writing to the Campus President within five (5) school days of receipt of the notice of the committee's decision. The Campus President reviews the matter in order to confirm, reverse, or modify the decision of the Committee. Within a reasonable time, the student is notified in writing of the Campus President's decision. The decision of the Campus President is final.
  2. A student may appeal an institution decision in writing to the President of the institution within five (5) school days of receipt of the notice of the committee's decision. The President reviews the matter in order to confirm, reverse, or modify the decision of the Committee. Within a reasonable time, the student is notified in writing of the President's decision. The decision of the President is final.
  3. All campus and institution determinations will be kept in a student’s permanent and official file in the Registrar’s Office.


CTU reserves the right to expel or dismiss a student for any of the following: Failure to maintain satisfactory academic progress, failure to pay school fees and/or tuition by applicable deadlines, disruptive behavior, posing a danger to the health or welfare of students or other members of the community, or failure to comply with the policies and procedures of the institution. Any unpaid balance for tuition, fees and supplies becomes due and payable immediately upon a student’s dismissal. CTU will determine any Title IV funds to be returned in accordance with federal guidelines.


Students may be considered for reinstatement using the following procedures:

  1. For reinstatement to the institution, the student must submit a written request to the University Chief Academic Officer for consideration. The request must include reasons and supporting documentation for the reentry consideration.
  2. Depending on the length of time the student was away from the campus or the institution, the student may be required to re-enter by re-applying and resubmitting all financial aid information. A re-entering student must adhere to the program plan determined at the time of re-entry.