Experiential Learning (ELP)

Colorado Technical University may award course credit for experiential learning that has been gained through employment, non-collegiate, school based education or other appropriate learning experiences in adherence to ACE recommendations. Life and learning experiences alone, however, are an inadequate basis for the award of experiential credit. In order for such learning to be considered for this credit award, it must:

  1. Relate specifically to a required course in the student’s undergraduate or graduate academic program.
  2. Result in experientially attained and mastered college-level and graduate-level competencies that are appropriately documented and equivalent to the course outcomes that would be acquired in the comparable Colorado Technical University course.
  3. Demonstrate and verify learning through documentation such as work samples and/or supervisory verification.

Students must start the process to determine their eligibility by contacting a Prior Learning Assessment Specialist and/or Student Success Coach. The final portfolio is submitted to the Prior Learning Assessment Department and assigned to a Program Director to evaluate the portfolio and determine the credit award. The maximum amount of life experience credit accepted toward graduation is 16 quarter credit hours for an associate’s degree, 32 quarter credit hours for a bachelor’s degree, and 8 quarter credit hours for a graduate degree*

*Students enrolled in the CTU's Master's of Science in Nursing are not eligible for Experiential Learning credit for the practica or capstone course.