College of General Education

Faculty – College of General Education


Laura Aagesen

MBA, Colorado Technical University

Julian Achim

PsyD, Argosy University

MA, Argosy University

James Adair

MNS, Southeast Missouri State University

Joan Adkins

MBA, Colorado Technical University

Chukwuemeka Agada

PhD, Capella University

MA, Chicago School of Professional College of General Education

Karen Akam

MS, Tarleton State University

Maria Radhika Albert

MS, University of Madras

Denise Albina

MS, Benedictine University

MPH, Benedictine University

MS, Benedictine University

Tamara Allen

MS, University of Pennsylvania

Aaron Anderson

MA, Michigan State University

MA, University of Phoenix

Bosede Andrews

MS, Tennessee State University

Christine Anzalone

MA, Argosy University

MS, Roosevelt University

Angela Arens

MSW, University of South Carolina

Robin Argo

MBA, Upper Iowa University

Janice Armstrong

MEd, Northern Arizona University

MFA, National University

Jan Arnold

MA, University of Chicago

Jennifer Asevedo

MSW, Aurora University

Amelia Atwell

MSN, George Mason University 

Latonia Ayscue

MEd, Temple University

Mary Bagley

PhD, St. Louis University

MBA, Missouri Baptist University

MA, University of Missouri at St. Louis

Elizabeth Balachandran

MEd, American InterContinental University

Susan-Marie Balding

MFA, McNeese State University

MA, McNeese State University

Dan Balroop

PhD, Warren National University

MS, University of Western Ontario

Clare Barker

MA, Texas State University

Shelly Bartow

MBA, Colorado Technical University

Andrew Bateman

MFA, Temple University 

MA, University of New Mexico–Albuquerque

Paul Bauman

MS, Bowling Green State University

John Belena

PhD, Mississippi University

MS, Mississippi University

Ray Bell

MCS, Rollins College

Lisa Bellino

EMBA, Colorado Technical University

MEd, University of Florida

Seth Bender

MA, Georgia State University

Lori Benilous

MA, Florida Atlantic University

Victoria Berardi-Rogers

MA, Colorado State University

Jeffrey Berry

EMBA, Colorado Technical University

Andrea Bierema

PhD, Western Michigan University

MS, Western Michigan University

Julie Blair

MA, Regis University

Marian Bland

PhD, University of Denver

MTel, University of Denver

MCIS, University of Denver

Krishna Bolling

MSW, Florida State University

Amin Boroujerdi

PhD, University of California–Irvine

Linda Borrell

MA, University of Central Oklahoma 


David Bosworth

MIS, University of Colorado–Denver

Jonathan Bottari

MEd, American InterContinental University

Boikai Braggs

MBA, Ashford University

MPA, Troy University

Andy Braun

MS, Barry University

MBA, Orlando College

Sandra Briggs

EdD, Nova Southeastern University

MBA, Regis University

MA, Regis University

David Bullock

PhD, Kansas State University

MA, Northwest Missouri State University

John Bunch

PhD, Gonzaga University

MSA, Georgia College and State University

Lisa Burkart-Uva

JD, Duquesne University

MA, East Carolina University

Tracy Burke

MSHS, Touro University International

Erika Bustos

EMBA, Colorado Technical University

MBA, Colorado Technical University

Gabriela Candido

MBA, Colorado Technical University

John Carpenter

MS, Illinois State University

Rebecca Carrier

PhD, University of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign 

MA, Indiana State University  


Laura Chambers

MBA, DeVry University

Janet Chappell

MS, Troy University

Philip Chevallard

PhD, The University of Iowa

MA, The University of Iowa

Deborah Christie

PhD, Fordham University

MPH, Fordham University

MA, Old Dominion University

Daniela Ciffoni

MS, Nova Southeastern University

MBA, Nova Southeastern University

Mary Cluff

MA, University of Georgia

Pamela Collins

MA, Fayetteville State University

Evy Colon Garcia

PhD, Clemson University

MS, Clemson University

Carma Cook

PhD, Auburn University 

Sarah Cook Danis

MS, Troy State University

Laura Coons

MA, University of Colorado

William Cramer

MA, University of Tennessee

Kristine Crandall

MEd, Jones International University

Samuel Crockett

MA, Regent University

Andrew Crowther

MS, University of Missouri

Theresa Cruz

MS, Capella University

MA, Liberty University

Kaitlyn Culliton

MA, Colorado State University

Catherine Dale

MFA, University of Texas at Austin

Jennifer Dale

MS, Northern Illinois University

Rebecca Daniels

MA, University of Phoenix

Nicole Darling

MS, Walden University

Amit Dave

EdD, Clark Atlanta University

MBA, Berry College

MS, Clark Atlanta University

James Davenport

PhD, University of California–Riverside

MS, University of California–Riverside

Julie Davenport

MEd, Drury University

MA, Missouri State University

Tasha Davis Long

MBA, Colorado Technical University

Uki Dele

MS, Johns Hopkins University

Linda DesJardines

PhD, University of Georgia

MS, University of Georgia

Laticia Dezell

MBA, DeVry University

Alok Dhital

MA, University of Georgia

Ana-Laura Diaz

JD, University of Miami

MBA, University of North Carolina

Gustavo Diaz

MA, The Pennsylvania State University

MEng, The Pennsylvania State University

Chelsea Dibble

MM, University of Northern Colorado

Mark Dickerson

MBA, Regis University

MS, Stanford University

Linnie Ditsworth

MEd, Saint Mary's University

Darrin Dobbins

MA, Regis University

Eileen Domerchie

PhD, Capella University

MA, John F. Kennedy University

MBA, Southern California University

Bart Dubinsky

JD, Texas Wesleyan University 

Suzanne Dulany

MFA, Naropa University

Tessie Eberhart

MS, Texas Woman's University

Jeffrey Edmunds

PhD, University of Arizona

MS, University of Arizona

Lendozia Edwards

EdD, Tennessee State University

EdS, Tennessee State University

MS, Clark Atlanta University

Sandra Edwards

MEd, Sierra Nevada College

Melissa Eidson

MA, Hunter College of the City of New York

Jenny Ekern

DBA, Argosy University

MS, University of Wollongong

Andrew Elliott

MS, Creighton University 

Donald Elliott

MA, Colorado College

MA, University of Colorado

MRC, University of Florida-Gainesville

Sheena Ely

PhD, Capella University

MAEd, University of Phoenix

Karen Ernst

MEd, Lesley University

Ashraf Esmail

PhD, Union Institute & University

MA, Georgia State University

MS, Duplichain University

Luanne Etimani

DM, Colorado Technical University

MBA, Colorado Technical University

Ruby Evans

EdD, University of Florida

MAS, Louisiana State University & A&M College

Nicki Everhart

MA, University of Phoenix

Russell Fail

PhD, Capella University

MDiv, New Orleans Baptist Seminary

Robert Fant

MS, Georgia Institute of Technology

Jeffrey Fletcher

PhD, University of Utah

MS, University of Utah

Brian Foreman

MS, Walden University

Lori Forrest

MSM, Colorado Technical University

MBA, Colorado Technical University

Benjamin Foster

MA, Southern Illinois University

Vikki French

PhD, University of Northern Colorado

MS, University of Northern Colorado

Robert Friedenbach

PhD, South Dakota State University, Brookings

MA, University of South Dakota, Vermillion

Kathleen Friel

PsyD, University of the Rockies 

MA, University of the Rockies  

Catherine Fuller

MEd, University of Minnesota

MFA, Hamline University

Kendra Gaines

PhD, Northwestern University

MA, Northwestern University

MA, Mount Claremont College at South Hadley

Trisha Ganger

MBA, American InterContinental University


Amy Gaskins

EdD, University of Nevada–Las Vegas 

MEd, East Central University  

Ami Gates

PhD, University of Florida

MS, University of Florida

MS, Nova Southeastern University

Monnica Gavin

PhD, Capella University

MA, Wright State University

Dona Gaynor

MS, Florida Institute of Technology

Kelly Gehlhoff

MS, Capella University

Carolyn Geiser

MAT, Colorado College

Lynnane George

PhD, Georgia Institute of Technology

MS, Georgia Institute of Technology

Jessica Gilpatrick

MFA, University of Southern Maine

Timothy Gleason

MA, University of Nebraska

MEd, Vanderbilt University

Andrea Goldstein

MS, Nova Southeastern University 

Susan Gonzalez

MA, East Carolina University

Richard Gonzalez

MCIS, University of Denver

Annette Goodman

MA, Webster University

MS, Winthrop University

Kenneth Gordon

PhD, Ohio State University

MS, Ohio State University

Michael Goyden

MS, Naval Postgraduate School

MA, University of Northern Colorado

Tasha Green

MA, University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Joel Greenman

MBA, Long Island University

MS, New York University

Twanda Grey

MSW, Southern Connecticut State University

Michael Grice

MA, University of Phoenix

Bettye Griffin

PhD, Capella University

MS, Capella University

MBA, Golden Gate University

Karen Gryne

MA, Piedmont College

Ann Haack

MA, Northern Arizona University

Tonya Haas

MS, Johns Hopkins University

H. James Hackenberg

MBA, York College of Pennsylvania

Mohamad Haj-Mohamadi

PhD, University of Missouri

MS, University of Missouri


Andrew Halverson

JD, Louisiana State University

MS, University of Louisiana–Lafayette

Laura Hamlett

MFA, University of Missouri

MA, Webster University

Carol Hannahs

MA, University of Kentucky

MS, University of Kentucky

James Harger

MSEd, Capella University

Chastity Harper

MS, North Carolina Central University 

Joy Harrison

MA, University of South Dakota

Heather Harvey

MEd, Pennsylvania State University

Kristen Hathcock

PhD, Capella University

MEd, Georgia State University

Sharon Hecht

MA, University of Houston–Clear Lake

David Heflin

EdD, University of St Thomas

MA, Mississippi State University

Ronald Henson

MS, Amberton University

Michael Hester

EMBA, Colorado Technical University

Evelyn Hill

MA, Southern Illinois University

Leeta Hines

MSEd, Northern Illinois University

Michael Hines

MSEd, Northern Illinois University

Hila Hirad

MA, University of Colorado

Gayle Hites

MA, Chapman University

Ryan Hoadwonic

MA, California State University–East Bay

Janelle Hoeksema

MBA, DeVry University

Anthony Holdier

MA, Denver Seminary 

Charles Holmstrom

MA, University of South Dakota

Grant Holt

PhD, Oklahoma State University

MA, Texas A&M University

Gerald Honadle

MA, California State University

MA, Concordia University

Deborah Horant

MA, Pepperdine University

William Horton

MS, Ohio State University

Stephanie Horvath

MS, Indiana University

Hossein Hosseini

PhD, Colorado School of Mines 

MS, University of Kansas 

MS, University of Colorado–Denver  

Christopher Hubbard

MBA, North Park University

MA, North Park University

William Huet

JD, University of South Dakota, Vermillion

PhD, University of South Dakota, Vermillion

MA, University of South Dakota, Vermillion

Sharon Huff

EdD, Argosy University

MA, University of Northern Colorado

Malcolm Ifoezeh

PhD, Capella University

MS, Capella University

Lindsey Ingbretson

MA, DePaul University

Mariya Ivanova

MS, University of Colorado

MS, University of Plovdiv

Mark Ivins

MS, Mississippi State University 

Reginald Jackson

MS, Georgia State University 

Marc Jackson

DM, University of Phoenix

MS, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi

Justine James

MA, University of Chicago

Carolyn James

MA, Central Michigan University

Dawn Jamison

BS, University of South Dakota

Kristina Jantz

MA, University of Houston–Clear Lake

MS, University of Houston–Clear Lake

James Johnson

MA, Rutgers University

Cathy Johnson

MS, Georgia College and State University


Kendra Johnson

MA, University of Colorado–Colorado Springs 

Crystal Jones

PharmD, Texas Southern University

Willis Jordan

MAFM, DeVry University

Patsy Julius

DM, Colorado Technical University

MBA, Colorado Technical University

Richard Kaner

MBA, DePaul University

MS, Marquette University

Julie Kares

PhD, Southern Illinois University

MA, University of New Orleans

Todd Kato

MS, Illinois Institute of Technology

Gene Katz

MS, University of Phoenix

Leo Katzenstein

PhD, University of Chicago

MS, University of Chicago

Susan Kauffman

MLS, University of Denver

Lyssa Kerrigan

MA, Azusa Pacific University

Aziz Khetani

MBA, Colorado Technical University

Yoon Kim

PhD, Oklahoma State University

MHR, University of Oklahoma

Pamela Kimmel-Burian

EdD, University of South Dakota

MS, Colorado Technical University

William Kingery

MPM, ITT Technical Institute

Mark Kirschbaum

MA, Augustana College


Wojciech Kosek

PhD, North Dakota State University

MS, Silesian University of Technology

James Kramer

MPAS, University of Nebraska

Nicole Krasienko

MA, Indiana University

Sharlen Krause

EdD, The University of South Dakota, Vermillion

MA, The University of South Dakota, Vermillion

Jason Kurtz

MFA, Hamline University

Peter Kushnir

MS, Saint John's University 

Nicholas Kusina

MS, University of Toledo

Debora Ladner

PhD, Jackson State University 

MS, University of South Alabama  

Danielle LaHa

MA, Roosevelt University

Juleen Lam

PhD, Johns Hopkins University

MHS, Johns Hopkins University

MS, George Washington University

Dana LaMantia

PhD, Capella University

MA, New Jersey City University


Daniel Lambert

MA, Loyola Marymount University

Jennifer Landers

MSA, Central Michigan University

Paul Langston

PhD, University of Colorado

MA, University of North Texas 

Alicia Lankford

MS, Capella University

MBA, Rutgers University

Alice Lanton

MBA, National-Louis University

Salvatore Lanzafame

MSE, Nazareth College

Kenneth Lee

MBA, Washington State University

Susan Lee

MA, University of California, Berkeley

Kavita Leone

PhD, Capella University

MA, Central Connecticut State University

Kelly Leslie

MS, University of Nebraska–Kearney 

Frederick Lippman

MA, University of California–Santa Barbara

Amy Lisak

MEd, National Louis University

Dennis Loerzel

MEd, Iowa State University

Jordine Logan

MA, William Paterson University

Tena Logan

MAT, Colorado College

Richard Lorgus

MBA, Roosevelt University

Sheila Luke

MS, Georgia Institute of Technology

MS, University of Maryland

Stacy Lynn

MS, University of Virginia 

Skip Macaw

MS, George Washington University

Jennifer Madsen

PhD, Capella University

MS, Capella University

David Makhanlall

PhD, Virginia Commonwealth University

MA, Queens College

Edward Marchewka

MS, Northern Illinois University

MBA, Northern Illinois University

Marilu Marcillo

DM, Colorado Technical University

MBA, Centenary College

Prairie Markussen

MFA, Roosevelt University

David Markwell

PhD, Southern Illinois University Carbondale

MA, University of Illinois at Springfield

Graeme Matthews

PhD, Capella University

MS, Rochester Institute of Technology

John Mauzey

MA, Northwest Missouri State University

Stephanie May

MA, University of Dubuque

Craig Mayberry

PhD, University of British Columbia

MBA, Brigham Young University

Lewis McAdoo

MS, Tennessee Technological University

MS, Austin Peay State University

Rhonda McBride

MA, Ashford University 

Amy McDuffie Betts

MA, University of Phoenix

MBA, Colorado Technical University

Douglas McGahey

EdD, Tennessee State University

MS, Tennessee State University

Elizabeth Melvin

MEd, American InterContinental University

James Michali

MS, Colorado Technical University

MAT, The University of Chicago

John Michels

PhD, Gonzaga University

MA, American University

Lisa Miller

MA, University of Phoenix

Michael Miranda

MSM, Colorado Technical University

Amy Mitchell

MBA, American InterContinental University

Nazli Mohyuddin

MEd, DePaul University

Kristie Moore

PhD, Roosevelt University

MA, Roosevelt University

Martha Moore

EdD, University of Virginia

MEd, University of Virginia,

MS, Radford University

Patricia Morriss

MA, Catholic University of America

Jessica Mougeotte

MA, University of Nevada Reno

Lopamudra Nayak

PhD, Sambalpur University, India

MS, Sambalpur University, India

Said Ngobi

PhD, Louisiana State University

MS, Louisiana State University

Abigail Ngwako

EdS, National Louis University

MEd, National Louis University

Bruce Nuffer

MA, University of Oklahoma

Tanyi Obenson

MS, University of Maryland University College

MS, East Carolina University

Roger Ochse

EdD, University of South Dakota

MA, University of Rochester

Shukmei Oh

MS, Northern Illinois University

Frederik Palm

MEd, Boston University

Justin Panneck

MEd, American InterContinental University

Linda Pedersen

MA, University of South Florida

Luke Peffers

PhD, Florida State University 

MS, Florida State University  

Sitara Peyyeti

PhD, Osmania University

MBA, Indira Gandhi National Open University

MS, Visva-Bharati

Beverly Phelps

MS, National Louis University

Stephanie Phillips

PhD, Walden University

MS, Walden University

Sarah Pickens

MA, Indiana University

Sarah Pingrey

PhD, George Washington University

Ramakrishna Polepeddi

PhD, Illinois Institute of Technology

PSM, Illinois Institute of Technology

MS, Indian Institute of Technology

Erin Poliakon

MS, University of Illinois–Chicago

Rose Postma

MFA, University of Missouri

MA, Eastern Kentucky University

Siamak Pouraryan

MBA, University of Phoenix

MPA, Kaplan University

Timothy Price

MA, North Carolina Central University

MA, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

MDiv, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary


Lance Pulliam

MS, Oregon State University

Cyrus Rahnama

MBA, New Mexico State University

MS, New Mexico State University

Virginia Ramos

MS, University of Colorado

Zachary Rapport

EdD, Alliant International University

MA, San Francisco State University

MS, Nova Southeastern University

Trevor Rasmusson

MSM, Colorado Technical University

Lisa Reason

PhD, Capella University

MEd, Bowling Green State University

Robin Redfern

PhD, Pacifica Graduate Institute

MA, Azusa Pacific University

Joshua Rhodes

MSM, Colorado Technical University

Anthony Rivas

EdD, Argosy University

MA, Regis University

Michael Roberts

MA, University of Nebraska at Omaha

Lavonda Robinette

MA, Eastern Michigan University

Polly Romano

MA, University of Northern Colorado

Susan C Ross

MS, National War College

MA, University of Texas at Arlington

Kimberly Rowe

MA, Northwestern State University of Louisiana


Todd Rowe

MS, University of Phoenix

Derrick Ruffin

EdD, Nova Southeastern University 

MS, Cheyney University

Steve Ryan

MA, City College of New York

Kenneth Saldivar

MA, Emporia State University

Jennifer Saldivar

MBA, Colorado Technical University

MS, Walden University

Tracy Samperio

PhD, University of California–Davis

MA, University of California–Davis

Susan Sampson

MA, Northern Michigan University

Charcacia Sanders

PhD, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas

Rockford Sansom

PhD, Capella University

MFA, University of Central Florida

Constantinos Scaros

JD, New York Law School

MA, American Military University

John Schantz

MS, Michigan State University

Doris Schantz

MS, Michigan State University

Steve Schessler

PhD, Emory University

Eric Schultz

MA, University of Denver

Ray Sharp

MFA, National University

MA, National University

Jordanna Sheermohamed

MS, Florida State University 

Debra Shingledecker

MFA, Edinboro University of Pennsylvania

Linda Silva

MA, California State University

MA, American Public University

Sheri Slike

MA, University of Colorado

Richard Smatt Jr.

MA, University of Phoenix

Andre Smith

MA, Northern Illinois University

Conrad Smith

MA, Conservative Baptist Theological Seminary

Robert Staley

PhD, University of Colorado

MA, University of Colorado

MA, US Naval War College

Bernard Stancati

DM, Colorado Technical University

MA, Webster University

MS, Webster University

Tammy Starzyk

MA, Kent State University

Melissa Stec

MBA, Benedictine University 

Eric Stephenson

MA, University of Colorado at Denver

John Stevens

MS, Grand Canyon University 

Ginger Stewart

MBA, University of Alabama at Birmingham

Ricky Streight

PhD, University of Oklahoma

MS, Indiana State University

MS, West Coast University

Julie Strelow

PhD, Capella University

MS, Minnesota State University–Mankato

Brian Stroh

MDiv, North American Baptist Seminary

Melody Studebaker

MA, University of Colorado

Jonathan Summer

MS, University of Nevada–Las Vegas 

Eva Suriani

MBA, Walden University

Patricia Sutton

MEd, Middle Tennessee State University

Nicholas Swails

MA, Colorado State University

Stephen Szarkowski

MS, Western Michigan University

Jaroslaw Szymanski

JD, Chicago-Kent College of Law

MA, Illinois State University

Michanna Talley

JD, Stetson University

MS, Howard University

Shenita Talton

MA, Bowling Green State University

Mohamad Termos

EdD, Argosy University

MA, Wayne State University  

Nate Terning

MS, Air Force Institute of Technology 

Leah Tewell

MA, Eastern Michigan University

Diane Thomas

DM, Colorado Technical University

MSM, Baker University

Juhelia Thompson

MA, St. Xavier University

Dawn Thompson

MEd, American InterContinental University

Richard Torsiello

MA, Webster University

MS, University of Southern California

Kathleen Toth

MA, Georgian Court University

Christopher Tower

MFA, Western Michigan University

MA, Western Michigan University

Jeanette Trammell

PhD, University of Tennessee at Knoxville

MA, Middle Tennessee State University

Christopher Troka

MA, St. Xavier University

Mitchell Tropin

MA, Johns Hopkins University

Joel Tumbiolo

MS, Texas Tech University 

Cathy Vandercreek

MS, Western Illinois University

Tanya Vanderlinde

MA, South Dakota State University


Jeremy VanDusseldorp

MA, Biola University

William Verrone

PhD, Temple University 

MA, Western Carolina University  

Corey Vigdor

MEd, Rutgers University

MA, William Paterson University

Victor Vila

MA, Florida International University

Dalia Vitkus

MSM, Colorado Technical University

Robert Voorhees

MBA, Webster University

MA, Webster University

June Wagner

MA, Western State College

Matthew Walicke

MA, Eastern Illinois University

Ginger Walker

MS, Texas A&M University

Stanley Walker

MAT, The Colorado College

Candice Ward

MEd, Washington State University

Asma Wasim

MS, California State University, Fullerton

Mark Watson

MPW, University of Southern California

Michael Watts

MA, University of North Carolina

Kevin Webster

MAT, Connecticut College

MA, Vermont College

MSW, University of Nevada-Las Vegas

Emili Weis

MS, American Military University

Caroline Westerhof

PhD, New York University

MA, City College of New York

Penny Whitney

MA, University of Colorado

Ryan Whitson

MA, Liberty University

MDiv, Liberty University

Valencia Williams

PhD, University of California–Riverside

Katherine Wilson

MS, Capella University

Sandra Windsor

MEd, Colorado State University

Raymond Windsor

MA, Western State College of Colorado

Trena Woolridge

MS, McNeese State University

Eric Wright

MA, Middle Tennessee State University

Clement Yedjou

PhD, Jackson State University

MS, Jackson State University

Terence Yi

PhD, Northcentral University

MS, Claremont Graduate University

MBA, National University

Kristin Yorks

MFA, Naropa University


Lisa Younger Anderson

MA, Webster University

Oraib Zaid-Obeidat

MS, Southern Polytechnic State University

Laura Zapalski

MHRM, DeVry University

MA, University of South Florida