VC110 Drawing I

This course features tools and techniques of both representational and non-representational drawing. Principles of composition, balance, rhythm, color, line, texture and light are introduced in a series of studio assignments. Pencil, charcoal, and colored art materials such as markers, pencils, watercolors, pastels, and/or oil crayons are explored as expressive art media. Assignments are given to provide the student with a foundation on how hands-on (non-computer) drawing relates to the planning and execution of graphic designs for print or electronic illustration and advertising. This course includes an introduction to One Point and Two Point Perspective Drawing using a variety of exercises and technical tools such as a T-square and ellipse templates to create accurate renderings. Using an activity-based approach, students explore a variety of hands-on (non-computer) media and create both realistic and abstract drawing assignments.






Computer Science/Engineering/Information Technology


This course is no longer offered.