HUMN250 World Values and Cultures

Thomas Friedman has coined a term that has become part of our thinking: he refers to "the world" as "flat". This doesn’t refer to Columbus, but rather the fact that our globe has shrunk such that anyone who wants to do business or technology in the 21st century needs to have a global perspective. This course helps the student understand culture and how culture is shaped by historical trends, events, situations, climate, geography, and beliefs and values. It takes a global perspective, helping students develop an appreciation for difference and for the variations and similarities in cultures across the world’s regions and peoples. The course also presents a framework for identifying the key elements and expressions of culture and how political, intellectual and technological forces can shape them in the 21st century global marketplace. One unique feature of the course is to help students reflect on the cultural background they bring and how it can impact others and society.






General Education