Repurposing and Re-use of Student Work Policy

At Colorado Technical University, students are given the opportunity to re-use and/or repurpose work that was previously submitted to past courses. It is important for every student to understand the difference between the two and recognize their responsibility as a student.

Re-use: Students who are retaking the same course may use previously submitted work in its entirety without penalty. As with every task, students must uphold academic integrity, therefore they can only re-use work that is original to them (see Academic Integrity and Originality Policies).

Repurposing: Students have the opportunity to use previously submitted ideas as a foundation for future courses. No more than 50% of a paper, excluding references, may be repurposed from another Colorado Technical University class. As with every task, students must uphold academic integrity, therefore students must still follow the guidelines for remaining academically honest (see Academic Integrity and Originality Policies). Exceptions to the 50% may be made when a student is building a body of work at the discretion of the faculty member.

Student Responsibility

  1. It is a student’s responsibility to prove that the work that is being repurposed or re-used is his/her own by labeling any repurposed or re-used work with the following verbiage:
  2. Re-use: “This task was originally submitted during the [previous session] in [previous course & section] with [previous instructor name].”
  3. Repurposed: “This task contains portions of material that were originally submitted during the [previous session] in [previous course & section] with [previous instructor name].”
  4. If an instructor is not made aware of work being repurposed or re-used, an instructor will treat the assignment as a plagiarized task and reserves the right to post an F grade and submit a task for review to administration until proof of originality is provided.
  5. An instructor is under no obligation to consider the grade that was originally received in a previous course on repurposed or re-used work. Therefore, there is no guarantee the same grade will be awarded since each instructor has different grading styles.
  6. If a student is awarded a lower grade for repurposed or re-used work, this is not considered grounds for a grade appeal.
  7. Students are expected to participate fully in every course, therefore if there are multiple assignments being re-used, students should avoid submitting tasks all at once and should keep pace with assignment due dates.
  8. In order to update attendance, students must complete a Knowledge Check or submit an assignment to the Discussion Board, Submitted Assignments, or Small Groups areas.
  9. With each new session it is possible for the curriculum of a course to change. Therefore, students who choose to utilize the re-use policy are responsible for updating their assignments as a result of those changes.
  10. Instructors are under no obligation to allow students to resubmit re-used work in order to make corrections if the work does not meet the requirements of the new session.