International Students

Students that are eligible for the issuance of an I-20 by CTU are classified as international students.

In order to ensure completion of a meaningful education at the University and to comply with Federal regulations under the Department of Homeland Security, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and the Student Exchange Visitor Program, all international students are expected to complete their degree requirements with little or no interruption to their studies. International students must maintain full time status each full academic year (3 quarters/9 months) of their program. International students not residing in the U.S. that are pursuing a degree from CTU through the Virtual Campus do not need to meet the above requirements and are not eligible for study in the U.S..

CTU (select ground campuses only) are authorized under federal law to enroll nonimmigrant alien students. CTU is committed to ensuring that international students receive a meaningful and successful American educational experience. To achieve that objective, CTU requires that all F- 1 status international students adhere to the following procedures.

  • Students submit a certified English translation and evaluation of equivalency of their education transcripts for the appropriate level of admission being sought.
  • Students are required to submit proof of financial support (i.e. bank statement) that is dated within 6 months before an I-20 will be issued. Students will sign a Payment Agreement for the entirety of their program cost. Students are expected to make the full program payment up front before beginning classes, or at a minimum, the first quarter payment with regular monthly payments thereafter.
  • Students provide evidence of satisfaction of the English proficiency requirements.
  • Students meet the admission requirements listed in the admissions section of the catalog and declare an academic major. Students may change this major at a later date, but an initial declaration allows students to set up an education plan with their advisors.
  • CTU’s published refund policy will apply. TheI-20 form is issued after acceptance and receipt of student’s deposit. (See the Financial Policies insert to this catalog for additional information.) Students pursuing degrees that are offered through CTU’s Virtual Campus are not eligible to study in the U.S., except for CTU’s low residency doctorate programs
    • CTU offers low residency Doctorate of Management and Doctorate of Computer Science programs which require students to be physically present on campus in the U.S. for symposium roughly 5 days for a total of five times during their program, after which students return to their home country to complete the coursework within the online platform.
      • Because of the non-traditional format of CTU’s low residency program as well as the structure of the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) which is designed only for traditional full-time residential programs, the University can only issue an I-20 valid for the duration of the residency. The grace period allowed under F-1 status provides students adequate travel time to arrive prior to the program and to depart the U.S. once the residency has ended. As such, international students enrolled at CTU in these low residency doctorate programs cannot remain in the U.S. between residencies under the I-20 and/or F-1 visa.
      • Students are required to pay the SEVIS I-901 fee ($200) in advance of each symposium in order that a new term-specific I-20 can be generated and issued to the student.
      • No Optional Practical Training (OPT) is available to international students enrolled in a low residency program.
      • Students are responsible for all costs, including but not limited to, travel and room and board for the duration of their stay in the U.S.
  • International students pursuing a graduate degree are required to submit proof of a bachelor’s degree or equivalent.
  • Select Chinese Articulation Agreement students studying at CTU may have special requirements.
  • Due to space limitations, CTU reserves the right to select applicants most likely to benefit from the programs.