OB480 Capstone in Organization Behavior

A capstone is by its very nature the culminating and integrating learning experience in a degree program. In this class students reflect on what they have learned and synthesize their knowledge and skill bases, while making a plan for how to develop their careers, their professional "brand identities" and their continuing professional development and lifelong learning plans. This course features presentations and stories from talented organizational behaviorists and leaders. Students are asked to synthesize their experiences, preparing a resume and developing their action plans and alternative proposals for the future. They demonstrate synthesis of all of their learning and experiences to date, by creating a culminating change project which exemplifies their understanding of human behavior in the workplace. They also review their own professional "mantra", a personal set of goals and values that will guide their professional practice as they apply these learnings in their career journey. Resources for continued professional development and joining communities of practice will also be presented.


Last Quarter








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